If a Third Party were serious about winning an election, why would it endeavor to do it on the national level? There is only one country and it has over 330,000,000 inhabitants. There are 50 states, the least populated being less than 600,000 people, but there are 3,141 counties. Some of these counties are very sparsely populated.
There are four counties in Nebraska with under 700 people. Alpine County, California, has ferwer than 1,200 people. Just how hard would it be to control substantial land area in the country by simply controlling sparsely populated counties?
- Imagine a Constitutional county where the people truly control their government.
- Imagine a Constitutional Sanctuary County where the Sheriff enforces the mandates of constitutional law and has a County Militia under his authority.
- Imagine a county where nearly all of the inhabitants truly understand the Constitution.
- Imagine the vision of the Founders alive and well in a very small portion of the country once upon a time founded upon truths that are self-evident.
If such a county came into existence because a third Party understood the importance of a beachhead, it could serve as the model that could help invigorate small counties across America to stand up effectively against both state and federal encroachment. Would people living in large counties support such an effort? I know I would. Would you? I do know this for certain: I would never give a dime to a 3rd Party candidate who was running for the Presidency of the United States. I know a sure loser when I see one.
It would be a great survey and very cost effective. Poll the inhabitants of the 20 smallest counties in America. Find the county where at least 70% of the population wants to be a Constitutional Sanctuary County and then all of us who see the dream get behind forming a new 3rd Party that is making this county the beachhead for a new America. That might even be a great name for the party: Beachhead.