----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • Just what our government for several generations does not want to hear.  The Citizen's right to take command and execution of the Bill of Rights is, and has been past due for those several generations. 

    The Right Of The People shall not be infringed.........That applies to all Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

  • These things should be taught in our schools and expanded on the further you go from elementary to graduation. What is troubling is it isn't. They teach a " global view". These global teachings are destroying our country. Let's make a promise to go to our school board meetings and get involved in every aspect of our children's education. When confronted ( I learned by experience ) they fold. We have the truth on our side and the atrocities that tyranny has caused throughout history. Pride and love of country is not bad. It is what should be taught at home and in schools. Yes teach the mistakes made by a young Republic but also teach the lessons learned and the great things accomplished.

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