The Universal Orders of the People are an expression of the will of the People. Our servants have overstepped their delegated authority and it is Our Right and Our Duty to correct them. By signing these initial Universal Orders along with the other signatories, Our inherent authority as the People is made manifest. Our inherent authority to produce these orders is self evident and therefore they are universal in nature.
Orders v Petition: The state and federal petitions process has traditionally been a polite means of effecting redress of grievances but our state and federal governments have failed to respond to formal petitions for redress of grievances for several decades, treating them as requests from a subject rather than the edicts of the People.
The People, being the only authority from which legitimate governmental power is derived, also have the inherent right to create People's Boards of Government Review. Thus no other authority, save the Creator's, is required or accepted for the People to form local, county and in due time state and federal review boards within those respective jurisdictions to hold government servants accountable.
Once a Board of Review has thoroughly considered a matter or complaint and found it to be a violation of a just law, then an order or writ shall be issued and notice served. In the event the public servants in violation fail to provide sufficient redress, then the Board shall pursue redress by any lawful means necessary. See Article 61 of the Magna Carta for historical means of redress/enforcement as well as the October 22, 2013 Universal Orders of the People for suggested means of enforcement.