----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


When people are confronted with a real or imaginary threat people are willing to sacrifice a portion of their liberty in exchange for safety. In order to take away a man's liberty,  a government must first make  the man afraid of what will happen if the government doesn't come to his rescue.

In order to control the people government create problems and them propose solutions.  Then Congress borrows the money necessary and then raises taxes..

The most effective way to motivate a nation to go to war is to convince the people that their safety and security is in jeopardy.  The initiation of practically every war was orchestrated by bankers in order to finance both sides in the conflict.

In order to gain the support of the people, government stages what is known as a false flag operation.  The aggressor nation manufactures an act of terrorism and them blames the attack on their targeted enemy.

According to General Smedley Butler in wars the profits are measured in money and the cost is measured in lives.In order to finance war the nations involved are force to borrow vast sums of money from the central banks. 

The bankers love war because it is by far the most profitable venture. The nations borrows the money at interest and then collects taxes from the people to repay the principle and interest.

Loaning money to governments is how the bankers have gained control over the nations of the world. Financing wars is by far the most profitable venture. The government are forced to tax the people to repay the debt and in the process the people become slaves to lenders.


The men and women we elect to represent us in Congress are secret agents hired by the bankers to borrow more and more money and in order to redistribute the wealth of the people into the pockets of the international bankers.

The nations are the debtors and the bankers are the creditors and we the people are the ones that ultimately pay the price. 

In order to be free we must end the corrupt alliance between the bankers and the government. As long as the bankers control Congress by loaning them money we will continue  to  burdened with unsustainable debt.

The only way to control Congress is to get them stop borrowing money from programs and projects that are not authorized in the Constitution. Congress is only authorized to spend our money to pay the debts of the nation, provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare.

If the people collectively demand that the members of Congress honor their oath and stop borrowing money to fund things we don't want, don't need and can't afford.






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