8575527889?profile=originalOperation Let’s Trump D.C. is the AmericaAgain! action slate of 22 major reform laws summarized below, to remove all non-enumerated (unconstitutional, illegal) powers that Washington D.C. has granted itself, and restore the limits of the U.S. Constitution as written.

In the 1980s, a University of Texas student named Gregory Watson single-handedly secured ratification of the 27th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; the original Second Amendment. If one determined young man can get a constitutional amendment through 38 state legislatures, we think millions of us can get a vote through just 27 legislatures…especially with Donald Trump pushing for this action. 

Here are the 22 reform laws on our agenda:

1) Shut down the D.C. Organized Crime Operation by passing the Bring Congress Home Act, that will relocate all members of Congress to their offices back in their home state, using telepresence technology. This allows us, their sovereigns, to watch over our representatives at home, rather than letting them team up against us with lobbyists and regulators in D.C..  They will be limited to two terms of office, have only one office (located in their district), maximum staff of two for a congressman or six for a senator, and will be paid 50% of today’s congressman’s salary — with no benefits.

2) End the imperial, immoral rule of federal courts by passing the Constitutional Courts Act, which will disallow any case involving abortion, euthanasia, marriage, sexual practices, healthcare, education, religious laws (e.g. sharia), or state voter ID laws, out of the jurisdiction of the federal courts including the U.S. supreme Court.  This is the prerogative of Congress, as stipulated in Article III, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution.  It also outlaws ‘administrative law’, assuring that no ‘administrative law judge’ can bind any citizen, and outlawing the use of terms such as ‘court’, ‘order’, ‘subpoena’, ‘due process’, ‘the record’ and other judicial terms by administrative-branch bureaucrats including co-called ‘tax courts’.

3) Restore Private Property and sovereign island countries by enacting the Return of Sovereign Lands Act, stipulating that other than land for military installations, the federal government has no constitutional power to claim or control any private land, water, timber, oil, gas, minerals, or other natural resources in, on, or under any sovereign State, for any reason, under any conditions, without the “Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be”. More comprehensive than Utah HB142 passed by its 2013 session, all federally held or controlled lands and natural resources within each sovereign State and any foreign country will revert within 36 months to full ownership and control of the sovereign State or country in which it is located, to be managed and controlled as the People of that State or foreign country determine. We will repeal all federal land-use regulations, national forest and park acts, and like federal controls, restrictions, and prohibitions that deprive private owners and the sovereign States of the full use and enjoyment of their properties, subject only to the laws of the State in which located.

4) Enact the Religious Treason Act, outlawing religious laws or subversive activities meant to incite violence in the name of any religion or foreign institution or interests operating in the U.S.

5) Outlaw back-door pork and tyranny by enacting the Clean Bill Act, outlawing the addition of riders, unrelated-issue amendments, and earmarks to legislation.

6) End the immoral rule of banksters including government-sponsored FED counterfeiting, the corrupt ‘fractional reserve’ loan scheme, and the gargantuan derivatives industry built on those frauds, enacting the Lawful United States Money and Banking Act which will have aspects of, but be more comprehensive than H.R. 459, 833, 1094, 1095, 1098, 1496 and 2768 and S.B. 202, restoring lawful (gold and silver) U.S. money, and outlawing the FED cartel and any privately-owned entity ever having control over the production of or determining the value of U.S. money in the future.

7) Restore Privacy by enacting the Citizens’ Privacy Act, reiterating the Fourth Amendment privacy of the American people’s persons, houses, papers, data communications, vehicles, and effects from any government surveillance, seizure, detainment, or file storage; making any such activity a federal offense unless preceded by issuance of a specific, bona fide judicial warrant issued upon probable cause, and repealing any portions of the FISA, RFPA, USA Patriot Act, NDAA, and Intelligence Authorization Act of 2004 or any similar legislation present or future, that violates the constitutional rights of any American; making it a federal offense to engage in any optical, electronic, airborne, or satellite surveillance, tracing, or tracking of an American citizen or his property or the interception of his communications in any form, until a judicial warrant is issued upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place, items, or data to be searched and persons or things to be seized.

8) Secure the Internet for citizen use by enacting the Internet Liberty Act, providing criminal sanctions against anyone attempting to disable Internet service within the USA.

9) Repeal the 16th Amendment by enacting legislation barring Congress from taxing personal wages and salaries, stipulating that IRS shall obey the Tax Code and cease all fraudulent application, imposing financial sanctions and imprisonment for offending IRS employees. This amendment is akin to making a law that says you don’t have to obey the law.

10) End the ‘Anchor Baby’ tactic by enacting Senate Joint Resolution 6 of the 111th Congress, which states that a person born in the United States shall not be a citizen unless one parent is a citizen, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, an alien performing active service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or the person is naturalized in accordance with the laws of the United States.

11) Outlaw conscription by enacting the Non-Conscription Act, declaring that Congress, presidents, and federal courts have no authority to conscript Americans of any age into involuntary servitude for any purpose.

12) Secure our Border by enacting the Secure Borders Act to better protect our borders.

13) Repeal the 17th Amendment to restore the Founding Fathers’ design of our government that State legislatures elect the members of the U.S. Senate to counterbalance the mob power of the U.S. House of Representatives.

14) Enact the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2009 (H.R. 1146) of the first session of the 111th Congress, terminating the authorization of funds to be spent on the U.N. and withdrawing federal diplomatic immunity for U.N. employees or delegates.

15) Enact the Constitutional Treaties Act based on the 1953 Bricker Amendment, assuring that no treaty will be valid if it violates the U.S. Constitution, and recording all Senate votes for each treaty.

16) Pass the Lawful Wars Act, ending foreign wars of plunder, disallowing funding for foreign hostilities without a Declaration of War and proof to Congress that such mobilization is necessary for defense against a demonstrable threat to these fifty States.

17) Enact the Honest Elections Act, outlawing computerized voting or vote counting, stipulating that only paper ballots be used in all federal elections, which ballots shall remain in the control of each precinct elections committee until counted and posted in said precinct for public review and which ballots shall not be destroyed as long as said election remains in dispute. Also requiring photo ID and proof of legal residency to vote, and requiring election officials to purge voter rolls of deceased citizens and convicted felons.

18) Restore the Citizen Militias of the Several States to enable American citizens in their own communities to “execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions”, enacting the Minuteman Act pursuant to Congress’s power to “provide for … arming … the Militia” in the U.S. Constitution to repeal every federal statute, regulation, executive order, or other directive including, but not limited to, the National Firearms Act of 1934, also known as Chapter 53 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 5801 through 26 U.S.C. § 5872; to preempt every such measure present and future, of any State or subdivision thereof, that infringes on or burdens the right of citizens to purchase, keep, carry, transport, or sell firearms, ammunition, and accoutrements suitable for Militia service as the term is used in the U.S. Constitution, or that interferes with the lawful commercial design, manufacture, repair, sale, distribution, or other trade or occupation involving firearms, ammunition, and accoutrements.

19) Enact the Congressional Anti-Corruption Act, providing that first, SEC insider trading rules shall apply to members of Congress. It shall be a federal crime for a member of Congress, directly or through proxies, trusts, or other entities, to purchase or sell stock in any company materially affected by legislation of which the member of Congress may be reasonably expected to have knowledge. Secondly, no member of Congress can be a lobbyist for five years after leaving office and for life, no former member of Congress or staffer for a member of Congress can lobby for a foreign government.

20) Drastically Shrink Federal Government by enacting the Non-Enumerated Powers Sunset Act, providing that federal government shall not continue to fund any federal power not specifically enumerated in the U.S. Constitution. Any creative interpretations applied in the past by Congress and presidents for ‘interstate commerce’, ‘general welfare’, ‘necessary and proper’ and tax revenues sent as foreign aid outside the borders of the fifty States, to be made illegal. This will end virtually every alphabet-soup agency (including DHS); end federal meddling in education, farming, and the environment (for the most part); and end all foreign aid of every kind. Back to the Constitution as written; it is the LAW.

Any federal budget item, department, regulation, agency, bureau, program, contract, service branch, or executive order that Americans still demand must fall within a specifically enumerated power in Article I Section 8, Article II Section 2, or a duly ratified amendment; otherwise it will be de-funded.  To reinstate funding for said program or power will require a discrete (not omnibus) constitutional amendment, ratified by at least 38 States. If the American people really want or need it, the States will pass that amendment.

21) End all secret intelligence agencies and projects that are nowhere authorized by the Constitution, by enacting the Intelligent Republic Act, based loosely on the Smart Nation Act sponsored by Congressman Rob Simmons (R-CT), transitioning to Open Source Intelligence and away from any government program kept secret from Congress and the American people, which is clearly illegal. More information is available in the early books by former CIA agent Robert David Steele.

22) End all federal grants to cities, counties, states, etc by enacting the Federal Pork Sunset Act, making all federal grants/aid be remitted to the states as block grants for three years, at which point all federal aid or grants shall end, and any further federal payment to states, counties, or cities shall be considered a federal crime.

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