----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • Is the Bundy Family an enemy of "We the People" or the Federal Government. The Bundy men have been accused of alleged crimes against Federal Agencies. The Federal Agencies staffed by unelected bureaucrats are being defended while those who dare to stand up for the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution are being ignored.

  • Carol and Cliven Bundy are wonderful people. I really have been trying to help them and their family since the Oregon Standoff and after when all the Patriots were arrested and sent to prison.  God be with them and we are praying and fasting for them when it is needed.  Many times we heard when Ammon was in solitary and then Ryan, and Mel and even Dave.  Some of them beaten, some of them left without food and water for days....I sent all our prisoners Christmas cards this year.  Their families are hurting the wives and the children, and this family has done a lot for our freedoms.   God Bless the Bundy's and all our Political Prisoners and keep them safe.

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