----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


For over 200 years we have enjoyed a level of prosperity above and beyond that of every other nation on earth, but we are now on the verge of financial suicide. When the principles of sound government are violated, there are inevitable  consequences.

Borrowing trillions of dollars is a recipe for failure and we are rapidly approaching the day when our once great nation will be but a distant memory.

Our nation is sick and unless we stop borrowing money for things we don't need and can't afford we are destined to pay the price for our irresponsibility.

Like every corporation, the government has assets and liabilities. Taxes are continually being raised due to budget deficits, while $146 trillion dollars are sitting in secret CAFR  accounts.

Congress should allocate money to pay for the cost of government rather than borrowing the money and raising taxes.

If you had $10,000 in a savings account and you needed $1,000 to repair your car, would you transfer funds from your savings account to pay the bill or would you borrow the money from the bank?

In order to guarantee the money will be there to fund their pensions, the government borrows money instead of allocating the funds from the trillions of dollars of accumulated assets in CAFR accounts which are hidden from public view. 

Click Here to Learn About the CAFR

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New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Study the U.S. National Debt Clock




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  • The so-called National Debt is the same thing as the so-called National Parks. Both are owned by the Rothschild/Vatican mafia. They call it National Debt so they can lay the liability on the people who have, by unawaringly signing various documents, created the presumption of a surety-ship relation with those fictitious straw men entities Govco created and claims are U.S. citizens and co-sureties on said 'National Debt'. 

    The National Debt is actually corporate debt run up by the corporation calling itself our government. It's owners, the international mafia, not only bankrupted its own corporation but schemed to make every man, woman and child a party to their theft. Since there is no money whatsoever in circulation and only + and - credits on all the books, I'm not sure why this so-called National Debt is the problem everyone is making it.

    If we had someone at the top, such as a benevolent president [I'm such a dreamer] said rare individual [think 'hen's teeth'] could simply tell them to go screw themselves. Legally what could they do?  Since they created all the funds loaned to Govco  out of thin air [just like the banks do when they give you a so-called loan] and said funds have zero intrinsic value, how could the mafia claim they were damaged? The last guy who lost his mind and attempted to tell them to kiss off---well, he lost his mind.  

  • I'm not familiar with this matter of $147 trillion being housed somewhere under government control.  Is this physical currency (impossible) or electronic digits, or something else?  When and how did our government accumulate such a handsome sum?  

    I follow the financial markets very closely and have for over forty years, and I have never heard or seen anyone discuss something like this.  I would love to check your sources, if I may.

    That amount of money, if the US Government was running annual trillion dollar surpluses, would take more than a century to accumulate (assuming interest was being paid on the balance; 147 years if not).

    What the government is doing today is creating dollars out of thin air with zero accountability or responsibility.  Will these "thin air" dollars add to the national debt?  Will they ever be repaid?  Will they ever have an effect on inflation?

    I'm just curious about this.  The trillions of dollars the federal Reserve has already created have had a minimal effect on the perceived inflation rate (as measured by the CPI).  How many dollars will it take to collapse the dollar permanently? 

    The IMF is waiting impatiently to replace the U.S. dollar with a special category of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) when the dollar gets into serious trouble.  I can document that, but not this massive amount of cash sitting  in some secret location.

    Charles Kraut

  • crooked politicians have been stealing from We the People for decades, partly to buy votes and partly to enrich themselves and their already wealthy backers.  Politicians, both parties, represent the un but not the tax paying citizens.  For many years we have faced the same situation our founders did, taxation without representation.  The political ruling class hates Donald Trump because he is one of us not one of them and fears him because he is working diligently to dismantle their New World Order plans.  This nation faces a danger much more sinister than communism, nazism, or islam.  What we face is tyranny from within, the people we vote for deliberately bankrupting us to empower and enrich themselves. Financial collapse is imminent and the political ruling class is causing it on purpose.  They have millions, billions, or trillions hidden for themselves when they collapse the economy around the ears of working class people.

    • All right.  I just looked at the most recent CAFR report for the Commonwealth of Virginia, which is where I live.  I have an MBA degree in Corporate Finance and have worked in financial services for forty years. I have met with financial executives all over the world. I am a professional tax preparer, though not a CPA, so I know a little of what I am talking about.  

      In my very cursory review of the Virginia CAFR, I find that the state does indeed have money "squirreled away" - as they are required to do by law.  From this balance it looks like there is about $5-$6 billion in various accounts.  Fine.  The Commonwealth of Virginia spends $24-$26 billion every year.  Those $5-$6 billion are essential to hold onto 1) because it is mandated by law and 2) those funds are reserved for specific purposes - like when a state program goes over budget.

      The big number - the $24 billion the Commonwealth holds in other assets - is the value of all the state parks, government buildings, and so on throughout the Commonwealth.  Most of it is depreciable, and is depreciated on a regular schedule - again, as required and permitted by law.

      It will be interesting to look at the US Government CAFR.  I used to read the annual report of the U.S. Government, which was discontinued in 1975 when the report began to make the government look bad.  If I find some of these trillions of dollars I will let you know.

      Charles W. Kraut, MBA

  • Mr. Kraut, I don't know how old you are but I'm 81 and I recall my father buying a brand new ford in 1950 for $1800. He had a fit when 50 pounds of potatoes went from $.75 to $1.25. A candy bar or a bottle of pop was 5 cents and you're telling us you perceive some sort of minimal inflation?

    That inflation is the hidden tax that all of us pay on top of all the other schemes and scams the mafia uses to keep us humping for the privilege of not having to live under a bridge. We send our young men all over the world to die in the name of frigging 'DEMOCRACY' to beat every nation that hasn't caved in to those mafia bastards into the same degree of slavery that they have exacted from the rest of us. The only reason America has flourished to the degree it has is because when you convince a slave that he's free he'll produce a whole lot more than one who knows he's a slave.

    Have you ever heard of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report? Have you ever read one? Every one of these privately owned corporate government entities from the federal level all the way down to the State, county, and town governments put out a CAFR. It is made available to the public but usually found where you might not think to look, such as the town library. The off-budget funds are those Govco brings in from their commercial activities. If those funds that have been accumulating for many years were added to the budget, those entities would be able to provide more and better services to the people they claim to represent for the foreseeable future.

    The CAFR outlines the monetary status of these entities, or at least that part that they are required to reveal. There is the budget and then there is the off-budget funds that are invested. If the public ever found out how much of their energy had been unnecessarily stolen and squirreled away for the benefit of those who have never had to sweat a day in their lives, the price of rope would go through the ceiling.

    I apologize Mr. Kraut if this seems like a personal attack. It is not, however, we don't need a new president who promises to do good for the people. That will not work. We've had that for over 100 years where the mafia selects a couple of their favorite and compromised lackeys to run for office and then give us the option of doing our damnedest to try to figure out which one is the least corrupt. Its the old 'heads they win, tails we lose' scenario.

    We don't need a new president. We need a new government and it appears that the only way that will ever happen is if the American people wake the hell up. Most are so addicted to their cell phones and the idiot box that they will continue to get fatter, lazier, and whinier and never question their status. The only real conundrum for the mafia is the 2nd Amendment. God, how they have fretted over that one.

  • they just print currency as they want it and can hide it anywhere because they don't have to account for it.  Look at how wealthy politicians become, They steal from We the People and take bribes from people like George soros and the international mafia cartels.  fuhrer Obama sent billions in cash to iran while he was in office, all of it printed without anything to back it up.

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