Welcome all.
This is just a note to let everyone know what is going on with The Constitution Club. It is being upgraded and improved. We're not reinventing the wheel, but we are going to be making some significant changes to what you may be used to here. We are making several improvements to how the site is set up, including a lot more tabs, pages, tutorials and links, some of which I'm sure you've already discovered.
In addition, I will be working on acquiring a more solid link on our page to several other organizations who are "on the same page" as us and make sure they all know about us. I will also be setting up links to these groups in an effort to begin to unify our multiple purposes and methods into one cohesive group. You will be able to access these links with the tabs at the top of every page. We have already begun adding some links to other sites under the "Educational Links" tab. This will change, but will still work the same way. Like I said, we're not trying to reinvent the wheel.
Also, we will be making tutorials, videos, and instructions for new members, as well as adding other bells and whistles that are currently sitting idle. If any of you have anything of value to add; articles, links, videos, links to other sites/organizations, suggestions on colors and schemes, feedback on content, etc. that you think should be highlighted or featured or included, please feel free to chime in with a comment. I will listen to ALL suggestions and take them into account when rebuilding the site.
As you might have already noticed, I have already been adding to the site, things that it needs, to be more interactive and easy to use, easy to see. We will be making many more changes and it will be much better all around. Wait till you see what I have in store. It's gonna be "Bitchin". Oops, my California roots are showing.
Until Then,
Happy Hunting!
This is nice.
What's nice? The colors and background, or the Notice?
I really would like to see some articles on here about the three separate powers and what the original roles for them were. I also would love to see a good article on States Rights vs Federal rights and see some concrete instances where Federal Usurpation has occurred.
The concept of state's rights, as enumerated [ not created ] in the 10th amendment are pretty much moot. The reason for this is that the gov is pretending that everyone is a citizen via the 14th amendment - first and foremost, a citizen of the fed gov. Due to the system of law in DC, where their citizenship arises, two things are important to know.
If a state says that a 'Citizen of the United States' living in a state has a right to do something like buy, sell and use marijuana, a fed law against these rights trumps and the individual can be federally prosecuted and sent to fed prison and the state legislature has no authority to say anything about it.
People who are only citizens of a state already have the right to grow, buy, sell and use marijuana because no state constitution grants a state the power to regulate these acts.
Unfortunately, fed citizens have no rights secured by a state constitution. Due to this, both the states and United States have almost no limits to the laws they can impose on fed citizens.
So, under the pretense that everyone is a fed citizen/subject, the concept of states rights is pretty much gone.
I disagree. States rights are still there and secure. Just because the elected politicians don't have the balls to arrest and prosecute Federal officials who violate State laws, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. A good example is the latest situation with Kim Davis in Kentucky. The State Attorney, the State Police, and the local sheriff should have arrested the Judge and the US Marshals for the crimes they committed in the State of Kentucky. The laws are there, just not enforced.
As for Kim Davis, that appears to be a civil issue only. I cannot see where the judge had the authority to stick his nose in it.
As for the states issue. Yes, the states are still there. However, the gov is claiming they are all populated only by fed citizens via the 14th. Although such a person is counted as a citizen of a state, they have no rights secured by their state's constitution. Being seen as federal citizens naturally brings them under the general lawmaking powers of congress. I cannot see where a state would have the authority to tell the United States that it cannot enforce its laws upon its citizens living in a state.
In reality, under the claim that only fed citizen inhabit the states, even the gov of the states has been changed and they now operate more like fed districts than true state.
Even the system of law in the states has been changed. The common law has been supplanted by statutory / admin law wherein the power of the gov is almost unlimited.
I agree. We need to learn more about how the people, states, and federal government were "intended" to interact with each other. Simultaneously, we need to prove where each has gone beyond their lawful authority.
There's too much color of law and each generation is conditioned by example that this IS the law, because they haven't been taught any different. We need to teach this. If need be, we need to implicate the federal school system as the brainwashing arm of the unconstitutional government.
This is an educational website. Our opposition is those who are teaching the opposite of personal rights and freedom. We need to take that knowledge to the public, who have been lied to.
It is important to understand how things were supposed to operate in order to understand the fraud the gov has engaged in to deprive everyone of rights that are theirs or should be theirs.
As an example, MLK and his group were tricked into accepting mere 'civil' or legal rights and the whites were tricked into thinking these laws applied to them.
To this day, the constitutions see two classes of people, but the gov has intentionally made it so politically incorrect to even think this might be true, that now no one even dares to think it, much less say it.
It is understood that non-whites were legally inferior in rights to whites. What everyone overlooks is that no constitution [ state or fed ] was ever modified to grant non-whites, white style rights.
Instead, the whites allowed themselves to be demoted in the level of rights they could exercise by having the status of "Citizen of the United States" aka "US citizen" imposed upon them. As per Title 18 this is defined as treason when done by a public official who is a "US citizen."
Bill, what happened to:
All men, (mankind) were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights... etc? Was our Declaration of Independence declared null & void, at any time? Do our rights come from our creator or the government? Was our Constitution written to limit the governments power over the people, or was it written to grant the government power over the people.
If we acknowledge the validity of The Declaration Of Independence, was the 14th Amendment superfluous? I am on board with putting the ship of state back on course and when we realize that entities like The Fraudulent Reserve have been with us for 100 years, our battle could extend beyond our own lifetimes, unless drastic measures dramatically alter the course of this high-jacked ship, we are all on.