----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Citizens or Subjects

Before the American Revolution people living in the original 13 colonies were subjects of the King of England and he was their sovereign. After the war ended the rich white men became the rulers and everyone else became their subjects.

With the passage of the 14th amendment everyone born on the soil became a citizen of the UNITED STATES and once again the people became "subject to the jurisdiction" of a government. The people lost their sovereignty to a government that was being run,of, by and for the exclusive benefit of the financial elite, 

A citizen of a country is someone who has rights and responsibilities while a subject is an artificial entity that is "subject to the jurisdiction" of someone else. In the UNITED STATES we call ourselves citizens but we are really subjects of a fraudulent corporate empire known as the United States.

When the people are sovereign they have rights, but when they are "subject to the jurisdiction" of a government they have "privileges" granted to them by the "State".

Citizens were supposed to be the masters and the government was created to be our servant.  Our government has become a corporation and our Republic has become a democracy where the financial elite rule and their partners in government are complicit in the ruse.

Voting in new criminals to replace the old ones is unlikely to achieve meaningful results. It is not the puppets we elect who will set us free, it is accepting the fact that the system is broken and only we the people have the power and the right to change it. 

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  • And?

  • And?

  • I can and will help change the system of organized crime and rico racketeering, but i have written to members of broward county FL, and have not received any response, i cant do it alone, 

    like i have asked before more than twice, where do the members of broward county meet? i would like to go

    troy   tjs7antiques@gmail.com

    • Troy There is a group of rightly justified outraged people in Fl who belong to the guardianship abuse group I am with. They are looking to start action with the corruption in probate court separating elders and stealing their estates. Of course it is RICO.,...these thieving lawyers are not filing forms 56, 1041, 1099 does  anybody think they are reporting the massive money they are making? can I get you in contact with some of them. They would love your help. Thanks

      PS Also check out national liberty alliance fro the common law grand juries. 

      • what could i do to help? my area of study is free travel, I live on broward county territory

        • can I give your email to my guardianship abuse Florida group who is fighting the probate court to keep their elderly and prevent them from stealing their estates. Or I could have one person call you. You can always opt out if it isn't your fight. BUT just remember you are next on the list unless you die suddenly....loloolololo.. please let me know asap.

          this is going on across the country.

          did you read the case I filed ot the Fed court on demanding our oaths and the one to the state to STOP warrants and arrests over court costs? I can always use proof readers on my filings. I need that terribly. You can do that from anywhere. 

          • i can help with proof reading, where do you live? no i did not see the case you filed,

            I am new to this website,  and yes send me your email, sovereign warriors is a great website for information,  jaro wrote "how to spank county recorders"  WAS GREAT 

            • From what I have heard everyone one of you have been threatened or criminally victimized for trying to seek justice in the courts.  This is what I was arrested for, a warrant for court costs which is unconstitutional but the third district court of appeals denied my Writ of Prohibition on the judge because they are trying to protect her. Hence the Writ of Error to the Ohio supreme court. Please please read this.
              This one case. It is submitted as EX REL (for everybody) on Jan 16, 2015.
              The writ is only 3 pages. The exhibits are the balance of pages and you don't have to go thru those unless you don't believe me.
              If they deny this we can be arrested for anything like it is an already bad enough.
            • this is the other to Fed US Court.. the Writ and subpoena is attached as pdf

              The Quo Warranto/ Mandamus filed to Federal court on Jan 12, 2015 is attached with subpoena.
              this case decision lists codes they have to be notarized and honored in Ohio. http://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/rod/docs/pdf/0/2004/2004-Ohio-2895.pdf
              If this is QW is not granted then they don't have to have any oath or bond. We are DONE!!!!
              Tom this case is more proof notaries have to be held to intercept of elderly signing wills and legal documents. There power and authority is greater than we all knew. I am dipping into this now with protests which are binding by the Federal Uniform Commercial Codes. 
              To All - Stop talking with dead beats in office. Get on this and help.. This is written in EX REL for you too.....

              1 - Quo Warranto & Mandamus on Brady.pdf

              2 - Quo Warranto & Mandamus on Brady Subpoena.pdf

    • thanks I emailed you offlist.

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