Climate Change - The Liars Revealed

So, if we all listen to the Chicken Little rant, the sky is falling. However, If you think "Global Climate Change" is real, then you might want to watch this video called "Dan Britt and Ice Ages: The History of CLimate Change"


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  • Was I watching a communist dyke ? What a wrong headed degenerate . Didn't have the courtesy to either excuse herself because she was ignorant of the facts or just answer the questions .

    On the side I'd like to ask , "Is it mandatory that we register to vote ?"

  • Hey linda , thanks for answering . But the question is not the voting but the registering . Is it mandatory to register to vote and where is the law that says so . In the last election I was not allowed to vote because I refuse to register . Voter registration makes one a member of the county communist party by adhesion . I ain't joining .How do they get away with this crap ?

    Sorry that's more than one question . Thanks again .

    • I guess nobody had the answer ; or maybe it's a matter of if you vote your a communist anyway ; so who give a crap ?

  • Amen!

  • I agree with you Linda . The president is put in office by the 3 electors in Washington DC ; The  states mean nothing ; but is there a law that says in order to vote you must be registered . Every agency I''ve contacted  won't produce the " law " and I can't find it . Where is the " law "?

  • Climate change like the Connecticut shooting and 911 are all implemented to keep us distracted from the real issue of prosecuting the traitors running the Foreign Predatory Corporation . It's all a bunch of criminal crap and we are all walking in a sewer full of it .

  • Pseudoscience

    Whittle away at our constitutional rights

    As a gold miner I am well aware of the false statements made by the left

    California banned the use of a suction dredge, based on the science of the left

    One misleading point the left claimed, we pollute the water with mercury while dredging

    State Water Resource Control board proved other wise

    Suction dredge study done by SWRCB  98% of mercury was recovery during a test run using a suction dredge

    EPA  wanted to start a program where they would have stations to process the recovered mercury

    The Sierra Fund had a hand lobbying Pat Wiggens  and introduce a bill SB670 banning suction dredge, Arnold the rino sign it

    Year later The Sierra Fund is seeking tax payer monies ( millions) to operate a suction dredge on the Combie reservoir

    Think you will be very surprise look up Selenium, Spirulina, Chlorella vs Mercury

    this is a link to EPA mercury milkrun


  • Shall I make a jerk out of myself and assume you found No law ?

    And some body should hire you ; great job and quick too .

  • There is Dan,

    Right there at the end of the article.

  • I know Dan, That's just my sense of humor; smart ass.

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