While a natural born Citizen is obviously a Citizen at birth, not all Citizens at birth are natural born Citizens at birth. The two legal terms of art are not identical and are not equal. All “natural born Citizens” are Citizens at birth but not all Citizens are “natural born Citizens” at birth. If you cannot grasp that logic concept then try this analogy, “all trees are plants but not all plants are trees”.
There are five types of Citizenship mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. All Citizens have equal rights as a member of the society but not all Citizens have the privilege and legal constitutional eligibility requirements to be the President and Commander in Chief of the Military under Article II of our Constitution, the fundamental law of our nation. The natural born Citizen clause in our Constitution is a restrictive clause not an inclusive clause. The “natural born Citizen” legal term of art is rooted and defined by “natural law”, not man-made positive “statutory laws”. The laws of nature and nature’s God create natural born Citizens. Man-made statutory laws can create new and more “Citizens” but they cannot create “natural born Citizens”.
There is absolutely nothing in U.S. Statute, USC Title 8 Section 1401 which is a statutory law which grants basic Citizenship at Birth, that addresses “natural born Citizenship”. The law addresses basic “Citizenship at Birth”, i.e., who is a “Citizen by Birth”, (which is needed under various situations and conditions of a child’s birth spelled out in Section 1401) which requires such a man-made act of law to grant the Citizenship by an act of Congress, i.e., naturalized at birth by act of Congress. USC 1401 does not grant “natural born Citizenship” to anyone. Natural born Citizens do not need man-made laws to grant them Citizenship. The facts of nature of their birth do that. The legal term of art “natural born Citizen” is not even mentioned in that law. USC Title 8 Section 1401 only determines by law who is a “Citizen” or a “National” of the U.S. at birth, i.e., a basic “Citizen at birth”, i.e., a person entitled to the rights and privileges of membership in the society of our nation under our Constitution, the supreme and fundamental law of our nation. The Section 1401 law is a naturalization law which grants citizenship by law, not by nature. The legal term of art “Citizen at birth” is not the same legally as the legal term of art “natural born Citizen”. Simply note that in one case we are talking about who is at least an ordinary, basic “Citizen” at birth with no adjectives in front of the word Citizen, and in the other case we have two very important adjectives placed in front of the word Citizen by the framers of the Constitution, i.e., “natural born” Citizen. Since that term was used in the Constitution only once in Article II for singular most powerful office in our new federal government, the framers intended that it have special meaning. And the source of that meaning is written down and well known by legal scholars. That specific type of citizenship and “legal term of art” natural born Citizen was codified by Vattel in his legal treatise “The Law of Nations and Principles of Natural Law“, published in 1758, in which he said that … a natural born citizen is a person born in the country to parents who are both citizens of the country. And this group or class of citizens are the most populous group of any nation. They do not need statutory law to be considered Citizens of the nation. Nature and the facts of their birth in the country to two Citizen parents granted that to them, not Congress.
Most citizens of the USA are natural born citizens. Natural born Citizens of the USA are the three leaf clovers of the types of Citizens, not four leaf clovers. By the vast majority, most citizens of the USA were born in the USA to two parents who were citizens of the USA. And that is the pool of citizens that must be chosen from for the singular most powerful office in our nation, the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military. Simple citizenship at birth by being born in the USA without regard to the citizenship status of both your parents … or by naturalization and swearing an oath to this country and renouncing all allegiances foreign kings, princes, and potentates later as an adult, is adequate for the offices of Senator, Representative, or a Governor of a state. But it is not sufficient to be the President under Article II, to Constitutional standards. Article II requires that the person to be eligible to be President must be a “natural born Citizen”. And that means that person must be born in the USA … AND … both his parents must be citizens of the USA.
Natural born citizenship status in a nation is granted by the facts of nature of your birth. No law or statute is necessary to grant it. The nations can make any law they wish to make a person a citizen at birth or later. But natural born citizenship can only be conveyed by nature by the facts at birth of the child. If you are born in the country of two citizen parents you are “naturally” … a “natural born Citizen” … a citizen too … but a specific kind of citizen who is eligible to be the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military since the child when born has sole allegiance to this country and there is no claim on him/her by a foreign country or power as to their citizenship at birth by that country too. Natural born Citizens have unity of citizenship at birth. A natural born Citizen is NOT a dual citizen at birth. A natural born Citizen has no divided loyalty issues by his birth since the child was born in the country to two citizens of the country.
See this chart showing the five types of citizenship mentioned in the U.S Constitution:
And “natural born Citizens” are not rare in the USA. The “natural born Citizens” are by far the most populous group in the nation. And it from this group, under Article II of our Constitution, we are to choose our President and Commander-in-Chief, the group with sole allegiance at birth to the USA and only the USA, not someone who has foreign and/or dual citizenship and divided loyalties at and by birth. And the reason for this is as important today as it was when the founders and framers added those additional words to the eligibility clause in Article II. And given the vast power of the military today, having a President and Commander in Chief of the military with sole allegiance at birth to only the USA is even more so.
Obama’s father was not a citizen of the USA, nor was he an immigrant to the USA, nor was he even a permanent resident of the USA. Obama when born in 1961 was a British Subject via his British Subject father, per the British Nationality Act of 1948 which governed the status of children born to British Subjects. Obama thus was born with dual citizenship and dual allegiances and a foreign claim on his allegiance. Obama is not a natural born citizen of the USA and he is not eligible to be the President under Article II of our U.S. Constitution. He is a Usurper.
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.
Commander USNR (Retired)
P.S. In addition, the status of simply being “born a Citizen” was proposed by Hamilton to the Constitutional Convention and was rejected for the more restrictive term “natural born Citizen” proposed by John Jay to provide a strong check against foreign influence which could occur with a child who is not a “natural born Citizen”. A “natural born Citizen” created by natural law, with parents who are both Citizens of the country when their child is born in the country, has sole allegiance and unity of citizenship at birth to only one nation at birth and thus is much more likely to not have foreign influence on them. A “Citizen at Birth” created by man-made laws may or may not have sole allegiance at birth as one or more of their parents could be foreign nationals who never naturalized and pledged their allegiance to the USA and renounced their foreign allegiance. Non U.S. Citizen parents could exert influence on their child that is not in the best interest of our nation. The President is Commander-in-Chief of our military and thus the “natural born Citizen” clause is one of national security interest. This was John Jay’s main concern and the reason for suggesting “natural born Citizen” instead of only a “Citizen at Birth”.
So we know any act of legislation or executive order signed by Obamaust is null and void, but shouldn't a candidate for office of President and Vice-President of the U.S. provide proof of eligiblity before running a campaign?-Kevin Smith
This is interesting ... http://informamerica.net/blog/index.html , pretty much if no one will hold accountable those who uphold the law then there are no laws , and anarchy is what is being created
The most important appointment that Obama made was to place Eric Holder as AG. He will stop every attempt to get the truth into the hands of the people. He is dangerous and so is Valerie Jarrett who I personally believe is making the major decisions in the white house as Obama travels around the country lying to the people.
Mohammed Subud is his daddy's name .
SHOCKER! Loretta Fuddy – The Cult of Subud – Barack Obama and His REAL FATHER?
(Before It's News)
You just can’t make this stuff up!
Loretta Fuddy, who as you may already know, was the Hawaiian health official who released Obama’s long form birth certificate that we know to be an utter fraud.
Coincidentally or not, she is now dead.
Fuddy was hired to her official capacity in Hawaii only three months before releasing Obama’s long-form birth certificate.
The timing of her death as well as the circumstance surrounding her death are odd and questions linger. Just one of the reasons is that after the crash, she is pictured as clearly alive and well. More on that here.
But things get stranger still.
Fuddy is involved; in fact turns out she is a leader in a cult called “Subud”.
This cult got it start in Indonesia, and came to Hawaii in the 1960′s. Yes, you heard that right. It also has ties in one other American location…Chi-town. Indonesia, Hawaii and Chicago. Interesting. What are those odds?
But wait, the weirdness is just beginning.
Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann, was also a member of this cult. That’s not a guess or a conspiracy theory, but a well-documented and verifiable fact. What do you think the odds are that Obama’s mother and Loretta Fuddy are both members of this Indonesian cult..and DON’T know each other? (Incidentally, they are less than 6 years apart in age.) I would say, infinitesimal.
Not done yet, it’s about to get weirder.
Who is the founder of this “Subud” cult in Indonesia? According to the video, it was founded by a Muslim named Muhammad Subud. Here is the epic weirdness…and for it to hit home you will have to watch the video because in the video is a picture of Muhammad Subud from when he was younger, perhaps a man in his fifties. He looks EXACTLY like Barry Hussein Soebarkah Obama. I mean, he is the spitting image of him and anyone who sees that picture will immediately think of Barack Obama. It’s truly a no-brainer.
Put all these pieces together and play those odds now.
This doesn’t mean that Muhammad Subud is definitely the baby’s daddy.
But he very well might be.
Scroll down past the video for more on “Soebarkah”.
One of the unexplained mysteries in the scanty documentation of the early life of the 44th President of the United States is the appearance of the name Soebarkah as his last name on an official document filled out by his mother.
In a recent contribution to American Thinker, Nick Chase offers very persuasive evidence that the long-form birth certificate released by Obama is a forgery.
While in the midst of developing an argument supporting the idea that Obama was adopted by the Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, Chase states:
Clearly, just what constitutes “a satisfactory explanation” varies with respect to persons, subject matter, context, and so forth.
And yet, there is a very good — and simple — explanation for the seemingly random appearance of the sobriquet “Soebarkah” on Mother Soetoro’s passport application.
Believe it or not, the reason may be linked to one Loretta Fuddy.
Yes, that Loretta Fuddy — the Hawaii state health director who approved the release of Obama’s long-form birth certificate and who has apparently succumbed to a nasty case of post random plane crash induced arrhythmia.
Ann Soetoro and Loretta Fuddy appear to have one very odd thing in common: both have been linked to the Subud cult, which originated in, of all places, Indonesia and was founded by the Javanese Muslim Muhammed Subuh.
The smallish cult appears to have had, at least circa 2001 and according to this profile of sorts in the Honolulu Advertiser, 20,000 members worldwide. Notice the picture of Deliana Fuddy, then “regional helper” and member of the faith? Let’s return to her Subud status in a second.
Note also that the World Subud organization seems to have been based in, of all cities….wait for it…Chicago. Indonesia…Chicago…Hawaii… three locales linked to Obama’s life.
Next, observe that the Advertiser article states that Subud was introduced to Hawai’i in the 1960s (more on this in the conclusion).
Now to Ann Soetoro. She was linked to Subud by her biographer (and New York Times reporter) Janny Scott (Harvard ’77) in the book A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,” reviewed by the New York Times here.
Loretta Fuddy was more than merely a follower of Subud; she worked her way up the ranks and became chairwoman of Subud USA, based in Seattle from 2006 to 2008, and was known to Subud not merely as Loretta Fuddy, but as “Deliana” Loretta Fuddy. In fact, you can see that in its headline, the official Subud “memorial” page drops “Loretta” and refers simply to “Deliana” Fuddy.
Ann Soetoro’s close association with members of the Subud cult will be documented below. But first, note in passing that of all the persons — Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindu, or you-name-it — that could have been installed as Director of the State Department of Health in Hawaii, Hawaii alighted on Fuddy — a leader of a small cult with roots in Indonesia and connections to Ann Soetoro — Obama’s mother. Second, observe that Fuddy assumed the Director position in Hawaii in January 2011, just a few months before the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate.
Now to Ann Soetoro’s links with Subud and to a brief discussion of the Barry “Soebarkah” mystery associated with Ann Soetoro’s 1968 passport renewal application.
Read the following excerpt from SubudVoice in 2011 (and please note that I have italicized a couple of sentences to emphasize that the Subud “Staff Reporter” is drawing on material from Janny Scott’s biography of Ann Soetoro; they aren’t simply making an anonymous, empty assertion that can’t be substantiated.)
But what might the Ann Soetoro, Deliana Fuddy, Subud links really have to do with the sobriquet Barry Soebarkah?
To help answer that, transport yourself backward in time and sit at the feet of the Indonesian Subud master Bapak circa 1963:
If changing one’s name for “spiritual reasons” was something frequently done by followers of Subud’s Bapak, and Stanley Ann Soetoro was in fact closely associated with Subud, it is reasonable to suppose that “Soebarkah” arose in the same way new names for others (like “Deliana” Loretta Fuddy?) associated with Subud did: as a matter of course depending on the case.
Readers might agree that the above is a quite reasonable account of the origin of Barry “Soebarkah.”
But there is something else. The above biographical material bonds Ann Soetoro to Subud members via an English language, business communications department post. According to the New York Times here, that would have been around 1970 or 1971. However, the passport renewal application with the name “Soebarkah” dates to 1968. This suggests that either the “Soebarkah” handle came from nowhere, or that matters are as we have discussed and that Ann Soetoro in fact came to Subud before 1970 — perhaps in Hawaii.
Clearly, we might want to recall that the above linked Honolulu Advertiser Subud profile indicates that Subud was introduced to Hawai’i in the 1960s.
In closing, the Ann Soetoro’s 1968 passport renewal application raises the spectre of possible Obama birth certificate fraud yet again. Have a look at page 2 of the document:
“Sorebarkah” appears in the section labeled “Amend to Include (Exclude) Children.”
The name Barack Hussein Obama (Sorebarkah) is crossed out.
Nick Chase has concluded that this signifies that Ann Soetoro had improvidently decided to exclude Barack from her passport renewal. Chase thinks that Soetoro changed her mind about exclusion after having been informed by the Consulate that doing so would leave Barack passportless.
But there is another possibility — one just as valid on its face.
What if Soetoro was trying to include Obama in the renewal, but she wasn’t able to produce a birth certificate, and the Subud name “Soebarkah” just didn’t do the trick? (hat tip Louise Hodges for the “inclusion” possibility; one can’t be certain why she did not link the inclusion possibility to Soebarkah).
That could explain why the name Subud name “Soebarkah” appears nowhere else (that we are aware of anyway),
Of course, we might then have to wonder exactly how Obama did his traveling at certain points in time, but then perhaps Subud is, at least at times, more than a mere cult?
Source: http://www.infiltratednation.com/2014/02/shocker-loretta-fuddy-cult...
Source: http://www.infiltratednation.com/2014/02/shocker-loretta-fuddy-cult...
Its all because of this ....and they are using this to control the minds , http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/07/23/the-significance-of-a-...
You want to know why this Hypocrisy exists today in the Policies of GOVERNMENT then I want to take you on a Little Roller Coaster ride called the Ideological path that sees YOU as the THREAT , A Human Consumption rate threatening the existence of EARTH is what these Ideologues who are running the Governments of the world THINK OF YOU !!!!!!!! They are all seeing the world societies as TO MANY PEOPLE OVERPOPULATING THEIR EARTH , so they are doing things to ZERO OUT PEOPLE GROWTH !!!!!
First they De-developed our self reliance to make us SERFS dependent on them , http://cnsnews.com/node/75388
Then under the Agenda 21 policy they are HERDING us with Oppressive tactics into the Holding Communities they are going to force to be built , http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/03/21/megyn-kelly-interview-author-s...
And these New Communities will come Complete with an expiration date of THEIR Choice is what will evolve after they complete the transformation of the Liberty clause of the Constitution , Listen at 8:00 about the Liberal Reporter saying Yes Death Panels exist and that they are needed to Bend the cost curve on end of life care , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keG6qInHp54#t=496
Report: EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama admin’s agenda
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/02/report-epa-tested-deadly-pollutan...
These stories are by the elite circles of society around the world and they see people as a threat and we need to get a handle on this with debate confronting them before they gain so much power in the political forums of policy making that cabals like whats going on at the Bundy ranch don't progress , because these Bolsheviks are going after Food production and we will have shortages if they are successful in reducing production and interrupting seasonal growth !!!!!!!!!
See this story shows how quietly the Environmentalist Marxists who have Infiltrated the Government agencies and are taking grazing lands away quietly , these kinds of reductions in food production are going to cause price spikes that will destabilize markets , the perfect storm that these ECO Marxists want to nationalize the Markets so they can control the rate of consumption to save their Earth . http://www.capitalpress.com/Livestock/20140522/no-place-to-graze
Notice the COST if you do not comply with this Environmental regulation all a result of less production due to a loss of reinvestment revenue that can increase supply efforts , http://www.capitalpress.com/Idaho/20140516/state-farm-leaders-discu...
These next stories show you how the Technocrats see we the people , a threat is how they see us so no wonder we see all the things going on that destabilize the economics of the free market system of a self reliant society . BOLSHEVISM TACTICS ARE ALIVE AND WELL TODAY !!!!!
PEOPLE UNDERSTAND WHATS GOING ON , http://www.waronhumans.com/
Great points Commander, but with all due respect, your position is not covered entirely. I must admit, though, that your tree –plant example is simplistically brilliant!
The concept, and linked definition, of natural born citizen starts with the concept and legal (Blackstone’s) of a “natural born subject”. Our founders made a point that we are not subjects (i.e. subjected to a man-ruler) but rather citizens to a republic (in the likes of the Greek and especially Roman republics). Not to sound misogynistic, the citizenship, according to Blackstone’s, was transferred by the linage of the father ONLY. Additionally, the British Parliament/Crown years later and due to the expansion of the Empire and modes of transportation, extended the definition of natural born subject to those born in British flagged vessels, military outpost (under the Flag), and other land areas directly under the control of the British Empire (including commercial companies/venture that were under the “auspices” of the Crown (i.e. w/ military details in their mist such as East India Trading Co.). By the way, this is why if born in the embassy or a military base, U.S. flagged vessel or aircraft, that child is a natural born citizen –IF and only if the Father (now also extended to mother) is a U.S. citizen at the time of the child’s birth.
When our Founders, especially John Jay insisted in the main qualifier for President, it was then a limiting factor vice the majority of the people of the Americas, henceforth the exclusionary clause “… No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; …” was a direct replication of the legal accepted term of natural born subject to natural born citizen; having excluded themselves of the requirement (so they themselves could qualify for the Office of President-Constitutionally legal-since all of the founders were “naturalized” since they were (most) either natural born subjects, subjects, or immigrant swearing allegiance to the crown (Naturalized subjects).
So it comes back that the issue of Natural Born Citizen –has t be born under the U.S. Flag as above described, be under the jurisdiction of the U.S. (why illegal aliens who have children in the U.S. are not 100% U.S. because of the “jurisdiction part” primarily, which can be corrected by the individual upon becoming an adult bringing his paperwork to the U.S. embassy in his parents nation and swearing in –just like a naturalized citizen would ), and that when born under the flag and under U.S. jurisdiction he is the natural birthed child of a U.S. parent. Therefore the list qualifiers that make Jindal and Rubio not Natural Born Citizen for the office of President of U.S. are the same that adds Ted Cruz to the list since he was born under the Canadian Flag.
Kerchner is right about Obama, Rubio and Jindal not being natural born Citizens. Ted Cruz is also ineligible. He is wrong about the definition of two citizen parents and born on the soil. All that is required to become a natural born Citizen of ANY country is a citizen father! Citizenship of the mother and place of birth are irrelevant! Please read the following article by yours truly. https://www.facebook.com/notes/william-james-wynne/the-natural-born...
Robert is correct , in this country both parents are required to be born here .
De Vattel is the one who was correct.
The information and definitions related in Blackstones later volumes, as well as the Continental Congress and later CConvention delegates does come from Vattel's Laws of Nations which Ben Franklin had 3 copies provided to him to share with delegates in 1775...
Again, the concepts are still valid, true and critical to understand that the Rubios, Cruzes, et al do not meet the NBC requirement of the Constitution.....