Blacks make up 13% of the total US population and yet 65% of NFL (including mixed race) and 80% of NBA are black. The reason is that blacks tend to be bigger, stronger and faster that Caucasians. While 13% of the people in the United States are black only 5% of the doctors and 4% of the lawyers in the United States are black. Only 17% of Black men have a bachelors degree compared to 30% of ‘all men’. Second is the number of Black men who finished high school but did not pursue higher education, 35% compared to 28% of ‘all men’. In terms of race, Black and Hispanic people holding a Masters degree were outnumbered by Whites. Almost 55% of Masters graduates in 2015/16 in the USA were White people or roughly speaking 431,850. Black Masters graduates accounted for just 88,817 and Hispanics accounted for just 62,946. More than one in five of American blacks have IQs below 75. Around one in twenty whites are below 75. The black-white IQ gap is 15 points when measured on the Wechsler tests, 18 on the Stanford-Binet. On the Wechsler metric, whites and blacks average 102 and 87. |