#1 - Introduction to Apportionment.US
#2 - Summary of the Apportionment Lawsuit (Part 1)
#3 - Summary of the Apportionment Lawsuit (Part 2)
#4 - Constitutional Representation
#5 - Constitutional Equality
#6 - How Unequal is the U.S. House?
#7 - The Senate and Equality
#8 - The Government's Position in the Lawsuit (Part 1)
#9 - The Government's Position in the Lawsuit (Part 2)
#10 - The Government's Position in the Lawsuit (Part 3)
#11 - Constitutional Mandate of "Equal as is Practicable"
#12 - The Real Size of the U.S. House (hint: it's NOT 435)
#13 - The Original 1st Amendment
#14 - The Impact of Party Loyalty and Special Interests
#15 - Advantages of a Larger House (Part 1)
#16 - Advantages of a Larger House (Part 2)
#17 - Common Objections to Enlarging the House (Part 1)
#18 - Common Objections to Enlarging the House (Part 2)
#19 - How You Can Help!

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  • "

    From: Joseph S. Haas
    Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 11:23 PM
    To: contact at apportionment dot US
    Cc: mail at constitutionclub.ning dot com
    Subject: (Reapportionment Act of 1929 in #__ of 19?) ) Fw: Congressional Apportionment



    contact at apportionment dot US

    Mailing address:
    P.O. Box 810
    Wildomar, CA 92595



    Hi Scott Scharpen,

    Are you still "in business"?  From back in 2010. 

    You're right to some degree that we have got to have more M.O.C.'s but not in the drastic numbers you cite, as I brought this up once too  a few years ago, and somebody said if that were to happen, then "they'd" have to build some new Capitol or "branch" office out in some mid-western corn field, like the professor in school with so many students wanting to attend his class that the classroom was not big enough and so had to have a remote viewing screen in another building.

    What we do need is to have MORE Federal Reps than U.S. Senators per state because I think that the Senate helps with minority rights and that the House helps the majority rights.  And with twelve states whose inhabitants cannot vote for their State judges, the representation in Congress "shall" be reduced by that Fourteenth (14th) Amendment, Section 2 penalty, but look what would happen to Vermont 2+1= 3 - 1 = 2 with no Representative? Or his/her vote only to be weighed in at half a vote? Thus I think all states ought to have at least 2 + 4 = 6 (Senate + House), so with the subtraction (in states that "appoint" their judges) that of thus down to 4--1=-3 so a 2+3 = 5 minimum # of U.S. Senators and Federal Reps respectfully.

    What do you think about this? and HOW to effect it?  To revise The Reapportionment Act of 1929 right? but then look at all those Reps from N.Y. and Calif.ornia!?

    Happy New Year! - - Joe (in New Hampshire) 

    cc: https://constitutionclub.ning.com/forum/topics/congressional-apporti...

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