Consenting to Tyranny

8575547283?profile=originalThe men who met in Philadelphia to amend the Articles of Confederation wanted to create a more perfect union that would protect the lives, liberty and property of the people. They wanted a government that would be strong enough to protect them against foreign invaders, but also wanted a government where everyone would be equal under the law. The Constitution was written to reign in the government, not the people. In America the government was to be the servant of the people not their master.

Our ancestors did not want the people to be divided into classes based on heredity and wealth as it is in Europe. They created a government, separated their powers into three departments and instituted a system of checks and balances to prevent the potential abuse of power, which includes the amendment process. In America the people are sovereign, they are individually responsible enough to manage their lives without governmental interference or guidance.

The founders did not want to be ruled by kings or queens, they wanted the people to govern themselves. The Constitution established a Representative Republic where the elected Representatives would serve as the voice of the people. The Constitution obligated the government to follow the rules and the people to hold their government officials accountable. In order to be free we are responsible to respect the lives, liberty and property of everyone else.  It is morally wrong to take the property of another and give it to someone else and it is wrong for us to allow our government to do the same. The role of Congress was to pass laws that protect the rights of the people, not to provide us with free stuff, (socialism). The proper role of the American government according to the Preamble was to form a more perfect union by "providing for the common defense and promoting the general welfare." It was not the function of government to redistribute wealth or to provide benefits to some at the expense of others.

Men like Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a much bigger and stronger national government. He and his cronies violated the Constitution by creating a National Bank. Ever since this tragic event, rich and powerful individuals have sought to exploit the people for their personal benefit. Today, the Wall Street billionaires hire candidates to run for office and turn them into millionaires. Even though we elect our Congressmen and women, they take their marching orders from these corporations. Instead of being punished by the people for passing unconstitutional legislation they are rewarded with taxpayer dollars for their crimes.

By remaining silent and by complying with their unjust laws we are giving our consent to tyranny. Allowing Congress to spend our money on things we don't need and can't afford is a recipe for failure. The fact is that we cannot change what is going on in Washington until we regain control of our cities and counties. Corruption is running rampant because we have put too much faith and trust in leaders that want to rule over us rather than protect our God given rights. We must first become educated and then we must roll up our sleeves and do what ever is required to save our nation. Voting out the current set of Kings and Queens and replacing them with a new set of Representatives is a good first step.

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