Constitution Club Essay Contest

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The Constitution Club is hosting an Essay Contest and we are inviting all of our members to participate. Entrants will write an essay/article with approximately of 300 words. Links to supporting opinions and embedded videos are helpful in producing a winning article. The topic is up to you, but some suggestions would be;

  • Travelling without a License
  • Taxation without Representation
  • Gun Registration/Control
  • Federal Reserve and debt based currency
  • IRS and Direct taxation
  • Fractional Reserve Banking
  • The Mortgage Banking Industry
  • Mailing a Letter with a Three Cent Stamp
  • Natural Health and the FDA
  • NDAA and The Patriot Act
  • Natural Law
  • Jury Nullification
  • Secession
  • Common Law Grand Jury
  • Global Warming
  • Tyranny of the Majority

We will read and rate the articles and vote for the winning article. There is a $5 entry fee to participate and the competition is limited to the first 10 official entries.  The winner will receive a $30 cash prize.

Please leave any comments in the section provide below. Entries for the inaugural contest will be received from Monday, November 13th, to whenever sign ups are complete and we have ten entries. To sign up and have your name on the contestant list, click on the donate button. When we have evaluated all ten entries, we will then decide the winner. We cannot proceed until we have ten entries.


 Contestant #1

 Contestant #2 

 Contestant #3  

Contestant #4  

Contestant #5

Contestant #6

Contestant #7

Contestant #8

Contestant #9

Contestant #10

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