It is a fact that the majority of the American people are disenchanted with both the Republican and Democratic Parties. If all of the disenchanted voters registered with the Constitution Party it could easily surpass the membership of either the Republican or Democratic Parties.
I would like to suggest that the supporters of the State of Jefferson movement all register with the Constitution Party. Currently the Constitution Party of California has approximately 300 members and if the thousands of supporters of the movement to create the state of Jefferson they would be able to completely dominate the party in California,
Leaders of the state of Jefferson movement could decided the state's party chairman and could write the bilaws and party platform.
We can not trust the Democrat or Republican Party and we need to desert the parties that no longer represent the people of California.
In order to gain access to the ballot the Constitution is preparing to sue the state and we need someone to serve as the plaintiff in the suit. If would be wiling to become the plaintiff please contact Keith Broaders at 916-399-4881