In Article I Section 8 of the Constitution the powers granted to Congress are enumerated. Any authority not delegated to Congress is prohibited. The Tenth Amendment asserts that any power not granted to the United States is reserved to the states and the people.
The powers delegated to Congress do not include the authority to pass laws pertaining to marriage, abortion and drugs use.
You will discover in Article I Section 8 Clause 17 that the jurisdiction of Congress is limited to an area not to exceed 10 miles square. In other words Congressional authority is limited to the District of Columbia.
Each state has the jurisdiction and the Constitutional authority to pass legislation on issues that have not been delegatedtothe Congress of the United States.
In order for the government of the United States to pass Constitutional legislation, Congress must first propose amendments granting them lawful authority. Any proposed amendment would need the support of two thirds of the members of Congress as well as the approval of three fourths pf the legislatures of three fourths of the states,
Somebody hit the easy button!!!