Saturday, April 6, 2014
When are We Justified in Breaking the Law?
The primary responsibility of a county sheriff s to honor his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and to be the guardian of the rights of his constituents. He needs to identify common thieves, street thugs and politicians that seek to violate the rights of the people living in his county. When a sheriff enforces laws that are unjust, the sheriff is forced to choice between doing what is right or doing what or doing what he is told. He should be listening the voice of the Constitution and the people and not the bureaucrats and Federal agents. A sheriff is elected to serve the people and not the government. His job is due determine which laws are just and which ones are not. A man of integrity doesn't need a lawyer to tell him what is right and what is wrong. A truly Constitutional sheriff is an oath keeper that understands that when he enforces laws that violate the rights of his constituents, he becomes an enemy of the people he was elected to serve. Members of the law enforcement community are not taught to question the law, they are taught to enforce it. Just laws promote liberty, equality and justice while unjust laws promote crime, corruption and human bondage. All laws that are just need to be sustained and laws that are not must be ignored by the county sheriff that wishes to honor his oath. Congress has the responsibility to pass legislation that limit the power of the government to violate the rights of the people. The Constitution did not grant Congress the right to pass laws that would limit the rights of the people to their lives, liberty and property. The Constitution was written to control the government not to control the people. The three branches of government are like departments that are supposed to provide checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power by the employees of legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. As the employer of the employees of all three branches it is our responsibility to determine which laws are just and which ones are not. To turn over that responsibility to the courts would be akin to a business owner allowing his employees to run the show. A county sheriff that does what he is told by government is nothing more that an administrative lap dog for the state. A sheriff with integrity has the courage to answer to the Creator and his constituents. The sheriffs and the public have been brainwashed into thinking that it is their duty to obey all laws. This is a false doctrine; it is the duty of a righteous man to obey just laws and to refuse to comply with laws that deprive men and women of their God given rights. A county sheriff can choose to be the guardian of liberty in the county, or can be the agent of the Federal government.
He or she can honor their oath or they can take their marching orders from the corrupt lawyers, bankers and politicians that roam the halls of Congress. It is the duty of a Constitutional Sheriff to defend the Constitution and to enforce only those rules, regulations, codes, ordinances and statutes which comply with the Constitution. Ask your county sheriff if he intends to keep his oath or if he plans to be an accomplice to abuse of power by our Federal government. The financial elite that control the wealth and power in our country hire corrupt politicians to write laws that enable them to steal more and more of our wealth while we give our consent by obedience to their unjust laws. When we obey, we give our consent to the theft of lives, liberty and proper.