When a Sheriff that takes the oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, he enters in to a binding contract with his constituents. When a Sheriff breaches the contract by enforcing unconstitutional federal directives he becomes an agent of the government and an enemy of the people.
As elected officials they take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States as well as the Constitution of the state wherein they live. This oath is a promise that the Sheriffs have to defend the lives, liberty and property of the people against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The Sheriff is supposed to protect the people from criminals who live in his county as well as those who are sent from Washington D.C.
A Sheriff who will not stand up against unconstitutional abuse of power becomes part of the problem. Instead of defending our rights he stands with the enemy and unconstitutional usurpation of power by the government. When any sheriff allows the Federal government to violate the supreme law of the land, that sheriff breaks his promise to his constituents to defend them and their sovereign rights. Violating that oath is a very serious matter. When the Constitution is violated a crime has been committed. It is the job of the county sheriff to arrest those responsible for the unconstitutional act.
When a Congressman who voted for NDAA comes to your county; your Sheriff should arrest the Congressman for violating his oath of office. He should then provide the Congressman with room and board while he is awaiting trial by a jury of his peers. We need Constitutional Sheriffs. We can’t win without them.