----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----



The people have rights granted to them by their Creator. Corporations, on the other hand have privileges granted to them by the government.

We the people have rights while corporations have privileges People are subject to their Creator and corporations are subject to the jurisdiction of their creator.

The Constitution does not grant the government the right to tax the people, directly, but does not prohibit the government from taxing corporations and churches.

If the government can take our property without our consent, then they have essentially turned our property rights into granted privileges.

The government of the United States does not have the Constitutional authority to tax the people directly. Representation and taxation are to be apportioned to the states according to their respective populations. In other words the people cannot be taxed, but the states can.

States should tax the corporations operating in their states and should use those dollars to pay their portion of the national budget.

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  • Our Constitution embodied a UNIQUE IDEA. Nothing like it had ever been done before. The power of the idea was in the recognition that people's rights are granted directly by the Creator - not by the state - and that the people, then, and only then, grant rights to government. The concept is so simple, yet so very fundamental and far-reaching.




    America's founders embraced a previously unheard-of political philosophy which held that people are "...endowed BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable rights.." This was the statement of guiding principle for the new nation, and, as such, had to be translated into a concrete charter for government. The Constitution of The United States of America became that charter.

    Other forms of government, past and present, rely on the state as the grantor of human rights. America's founders, however, believed that a government made up of imperfect people exercising power over other people should possess limited powers. Through their Constitution, they wished to "secure the blessings of liberty" for themselves and for posterity by limiting the powers of government. Through it, they delegated to government only those rights they wanted it to have, holding to themselves all powers not delegated by the Constitution. They even provided the means for controlling those powers they had granted to government.

    This was the unique American idea. Many problems we face today result from a departure from this basic con­cept. Gradually, other "ideas" have influenced legislation which has reversed the roles and given government greater and greater power over individuals. Early generations of Americans pledged their lives to the cause of in­dividual freedom and limited government and warned, over and over again, that eternal vigilance would be required to preserve that freedom for posterity.

  • I filed a Joinder to a Criminal Complaint before Congress against the IRS and stopped a criminal investigation against me. See 26 USC 83. It tells how to figure your TAXABLE income. Courts have ruled it applies to wage earners as well as independent contractors.

    • I would like to see your Joinder. What year did you file it? It sounds like a David Myrland approach. I don't use any of that nonsense. I have yet to see anyone provide factual evidence proving that Title 26, codes, statutes, regulations and ordinances apply. I think the late great Irwin Schiff was correct. No one has come forward to prove it. Hail Caesar!

  • Excuse me folks! What did you say? People have rights granted to them by their creator? Allow me to put my glass of Kool-Aid down to ask you a question: What specific passage in the bible can you direct us to to find these granted rights? What creator are you specifically referring to? Do or did you have some special connection to this omniscient being by way of telephone, fax, internet, telecommunication, pony express or mental telepathy to have these granted rights bequeathed to you?

    I am in awe, yes awe on how you can make such a statement when you have not proven any scintilla of evidence of the existence of this creator. I have heard of this statement over and over again ad nauseum! Yes the government is a corporation that can only grant privileges and blah, blah, blah! Has your creator descend from the heavens parting the clouds and assisted you on correcting this malfunctioning corporation known as the government? HUH? States, yes states are fictional corporate enterprises too. What you think the federal and state governments should lawfully be taxing is not happening. What these entities are doing and will continue to do is to use force and violence over a given geographical area to impose their will. They could care less than a damn on this divine entity you refer to as this creator and sure as hell don't give a damn about a scrap of paper that was drawn up of two hundred years ago called the Constitution created by highly intelligent and misguided people! I am off my soap box. Until then Hail Caesar!

    • Bow down and kiss the hand that feeds you and forget you were ever our country man.
  • The founders of this country did not "register" a corporation. They authored a Constitution and fought for their Right to be a sovereign Republic. However, it may be OK to have corporations. The problem begins when someone tricks all citizens to be employees of said corporation without full disclosure that they are bound to some invisible terms.

    You all can keep your corporation. Just don't force me to be employed by it, for some make-believe benefit that I don't need. I already OWN what this fictitious corporation is selling! I ain't buying what I already own! Go sell your crap someplace else.
  • soooooo, i would say that states that don't use much federal monies, would be paying lot less....   

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