The Founding Fathers did not intent on having the government tax the people of the states directly. Instead it was their intent to tax the states based on their populations. A state with 10% of the poeple woujld be assessed an amount equal to the amount needed to fund the govrnment for a year.
It would be the responsibility of the states to decide how they would pay their share of the money needed.
The Federal budget reveals the amount of money Congress is willing to spend, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the how much money the government has available.
When we spend more money than we have in the budget, the government borrows the amount of the deficit . The National Debt is the sum of the annual deficits plus the accumulated interest.
The government owns trillions of dollars in stocks, bonds and mutual funds. The government own hundreds of millions of acres of land and hundreds of thousand of office buildings. The total net worth of the nation is 269 trillion dollars.
Maybe they should sell and pay off THEIR debts.