----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • I am  extremely pro Constitution.  I don't profess to know all there is to know, but since COS has just recently got moving again, I must urge people to not back this COS.  No one can guarantee that once the doors are closed at the Constitutional convention, all rules, pledges, and loyalties are left outside the door.  If anyone, who is a Constitutional scholar, knows this is true, and that's one of the reasons Scalia was against it. In todays politics, and politicians, honor is not present.  If a state sends a delicate with orders to stand up for the state that sent them on any issue, once the door is closed, the state no longer has any control over him or his vote, or his intentions.  If enough liberals, or anti-constitutionalists, are delegates, the entire Constitution would be up for grabs.  I've read all of the pro's and con's for quite a few years.  The only conclusion I can have, is we cannot afford to loose the Constitution, and I firmly believe, in this present atmosphere of dishonest people, a COS would open the door to it's very destruction. I believe the COS is a tool, but it must be used at the right time, by the right people, and with extreme caution.  There is a reason that the liberals, and the anti-constitution people are in favor of a COS.  Ask yourself this, WHY???

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