Checks and balances were written into the Constitutions to protect the people and to prevent the abuse of power by the elected officials. They framers of the Constitution created three separate and distinct branches of government to protect the rights of the people.
They created a legislative branch to write the laws, a executive branch to enforce the laws and a Supreme Court to resolve disputes between the two branches of government.
The Chief Executive of the nation has the power to prevent Congress from passing unconstitutional legislation by using his veto power to nullify their actions.The Chief Executive of the State has the same power to prevent unconstitutional legislation from becoming law in the states. Who has the power to prevent the County Board of Commissioners from passing or participating in unconstitutional laws or activities?
Is it not reasonable that the County Sheriff that has sworn an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution be the logical person execute the Supreme Law of the Land in his or her county?
Without three functional branches of government at the county level it is impossible to properly defend the Constitution and the rights of the people.
The County Sheriff is the Chief Executive Officer in the County. The Sheriff is supposed to be the guardian liberty and the defender of the Constitution. Unfortunately most Sheriffs have been conned into becoming officers of the court rather than than Chief Law Enforcement Officers.
In those counties where the Sheriff routinely does what courts tell him has become an agent of the courts and has deserted the people that elected him. A Constitutional Sheriff is takes his marching orders from the people and the Constitution, not the Bar Association and the Bankers.
Please forward this email to your county sheriff and the your County Commissioners.
I just faxed it to Sheriff Lusk and the Lycoming County Commissioners.
Frank Ritter
I would also send them a certified letter with exact same contents as a backup. I say that because in my county a certified letter will get much more attention than an e-mail
"The Chief Executive of the nation...."
What nation, Keith? I know. It's been so keenly beaten into our brains that it's almost impossible to break the habit. The United States is NOT a nation. It is a federation of independent nations. A State is a nation. North Carolina is a nation just like all the other States that created the United States of America for their own reasons. It is their property. It can never obtain superiority over any of the States that created it!
You are correct the President is the Chief Executive Officer of a Corporation that has a jurisdiction not to exceed 10 miles square. He is essential the CEO of a Corporation domiciled tye District of Columbia. He only has jurisdiction in the District of Columbia and the territories such as Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
The United States is like a Chamber of Commerce. The United States has a membership of 50 independent sovereign nations. Each of these nations is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce or the government of the United States.