Playing Cards with Criminals
How long would you play cards in a Casino that you knew was using a stacked deck?
If you knew that dealers were dealing from the bottom of the deck would you continue playing in a game that you couldn't win?
Our government has become as corrupt as a crime syndicate and as long as we continue playing the game by their rules, in their arena, they will continue picking our pockets with our consent. To be treated fairly we must resist tyranny.
The only way to turn the tables, is to withdraw our consent and to refuse to play in their games.
Governments are instituted among men and derive their just power from the consent of the governed and when a government becomes tyrannical it is the duty of the people to overthrow it.
When we obey unjust laws we are giving the government permission to enslave us. A man that is being cheated will continue being cheated until he has the courage to stand up and resist the tyranny.
The only way to end the madness is to refuse to participate in the governments mock elections and to refuse to comply with the laws that benefit the few at the expense of the many. Tyranny will not end when we elected new criminals to replace the old ones. Changing Congressmen is like changing the bedroom furniture in a whore house.
The political party system is the spawning ground of crime and corruption. As long as money controls politics the financial elite will continue using the system to benefit themselves at our expense.
If we want to things to change, we must re-write the rules and demand that our elected officials follow the rules. If we refuse to hold them accountable we deserve the suffer the consequences. We must abandon the system that rewards politicians and promotes tyranny. As long as we continue participating in their mock elections we will continue giving them our consent to violate our God given rights.
Petitioning the government is like asking your rapist to use a condom.
Well Keith, you kinda hurt my feelings but just a little. I mostly believe what you say but if there is even a slim chance of putting a regular American in office like myself, I don't want to discourage people from voting. They don't have to vote for the R's & D's. They can just vote for the Libertarians so we can have a chance at getting 5% of the vote so that next time, we don''t have to get 10 times the signatures that the others have to get, which they can easily pay others to do. We waste most of our time getting an ridiculous amount of signatures which takes time away from getting our message of freedom out there. Hopefully by next election in 2016, we will have the changes to our voting procedures in our state to ensure they are honest and fair. We cannot trust machines or the media to report the truth. We won't need them if we can get this done. The Illinois group of NLA is working on it. I just proof read and let them know if I find any typos. They are smarter than I am about how to write this thing but I am willing to help in any way I can. I am involved in so many Liberty groups because out of all of them, hopefully something will work. I am not doing this for myself. I am doing this for my country and for my grandchildren. I don't have a greedy bone in my body. I'm a giver, not a taker. I don't even like to ask people to donate money to my campaign. My campaign manager said he will take care of that end of it so I don't have to do something that goes against my core. But one needs money to get their name out there because they Liberal media won't do it. One conservative (supposedly) recently beat an incumbent in their primary but he had to spend a million dollars to do it. The Conservative Senators group raised the money for him. My facts are accurate, but not necessarily the fine details. My mind is swimming with all I am trying to do. I don't think that corporations donate to Libertarians because the deck is stacked against us and they know that most people are so uninformed that they won't vote for us. The Libertarian beliefs are very similar if not exactly the same as yours. Some of us differ on various things. I am pro-life but I also think it's not the federal governments job to regulate the morality of the people. That is up to the person, their doctor, and their God. It's not the Federal governments job to interfere, especially making Christian taxpayers who are pro-life, fund abortions through taxation of those of us who do not support that. We also don't believe in the aggression principle. We think we should mind our own business and avoid foreign entanglements as our forefathers advised us. We are totally against the New World Order which the Democrats and Republicans are pushing us into. I will never sign up for Obamacare. I'm a nurse and I can take care of my health care needs myself. I do need a couple of prescription medications that I legally have to get through a doctor, but I can pay for that myself. I don't need insurance for that. If my heart gives out one day, then it's my time. If I get cancer, I can treat that with natural medications that don't have any worse outcome than what the medical establishment is pushing. With all the money that is spent on Cancer treatment, the survival rates have not improved over doing nothing. Same as the education the federal govt. has take over of our children. They are getting a worse education than they would get if the feds got out of the education business. It's all about money and control. We need people who will not support this stuff and I won't. I slept poorly last night so I may sound a little bit loopy because I am. But I want to do what is right and has some chance of helping get our country turned around. I refuse to give up and do nothing. Nice talking to you the other day. The guy you told me to call, so far, has not returned my call, but that's okay.
Marty, I was a trucker for 55 years and I found "many" ways to beat their "rules", I regularly ran with two logbooks, (many hiding places in a sleeper), found my way "around" many weigh stations, fudged my breaks, slept at deliveries and pickups.
Once I got pulled over in CT, shut down for 8 hrs, (1 logsheet short), fined $87.00, I told the DOT cop, he has to give me 15 minutes to make out the last one and he said, "we make our own rules here", doesn't matter if you follow their rules or not, so why follow them. !!!!!!
As Ben Franklin is attributed as saying at the signing of the Declaration, "We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
And therein lies the problem. In reality, we largely stand alone against the machine as apathy is pathetically high and ignorance is rampant.
The number of martyrs will continue to increase.
We must choose our battles carefully as the beast is powerful (for now). Once the fiat currency fails, the change will be rapid and dramatic, and then we'll see how large the remnant is.