Here’s what I would like the federal government to do:
- Set up their own system of existence and operation, but never be allowed to set their own salary, (27th Amendment). Salary and benefits should be set by a vote of the people.
- Protect the nation’s borders.
- Declare war, Grant letters of Marque and Reprisal and make (and follow), rules concerning capture on the Land and Water. To regulate war forces. To call up and train the Militia.
- Set the parameters of weights and measures and control the value of money.
- Build and Maintain Forts, Magazines, Border Fences, Roads, Armies, Navies and other such national forces like the National guard for policing Pirates and infrastructure to include responsibility for such things as distribution of the power grid, water, and steps taken designed to prevent flooding, hurricanes, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters, etc.
- Immigration control.
- Sign Treaties. But never in violation of the new 54th Amendment. To whit: "54th Amendment - No more International Treaties that are in violation of The Constitution of the united states of America. This amendment would forever prevent International Treaties from superseding or overriding our Constitution."
- Issue Patents. But fix the process. It hasn’t been updated in any way since 1952. There are currently tens of thousands of applications waiting to be processed now; (including mine).
- To ALWAYS fly the proper Flag! Not the one with golden adornments or drapery. That is an Admiralty/Maritime Flag and should be flown upon water only! On land, the Flag shall NEVER display but as originally displayed and hung, according to original rules. Meaning that when the flag is displayed in our court rooms, etc., it shall have no gold adornments whatsoever. In addition the flag shall always and forever be revered as a representation of “jurisdiction” and the law being applied under it. This important distinction shall never be allowed to be over-looked as trivial or without merit.
- Get out of the way before I run you over.
Morton, you forgot one additional thing on your list, and so here's my suggestion:
12. The Right to tell the Federal Government to get out of OUR lives and get back in their Federal cage called Washington D.C.!
We know the cage's is crowded, you only have a ten mile square cage to begin with, and if George Washington wanted the Fed to have more than that, he would have granted more to the FED's than that.
OH!! you mean actually follow the Constitution??!!
What a novel idea !!