
The  desire of our founding fathers was to create government where the lives, liberty and property of the people would be protected from the abuse of power by its government. They created a Constitution that would limit the government's power to oppress the people.


They wanted to create a society where liberty, equality and justice would provide everyone with the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of liberty. They knew that establishing a republican form of government where rights of a minority could not be violated by the tyranny of a majority.

They understood that a direct democracy was very dangerous and should be avoided at all cost.


Before the ink on the Constitution was dry there was a group of delegates to the Constitutional Convention who wanted to create a more powerful central government . There was another group who wanted to create a much weaker national government that would protect the sovereignty of the states and the people,

Those who opposed an all powerful central government identified themselves as the Federalists while those feared that the ratification of the Constitution would ultimately tyranny.

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  • Democracy is always a failure with time, that is one reason we should return to our original Constitution and the republican form of government envisioned by our forefathers!.  Bring back the originally ratified 13th Amendment, and dump most of this current constitution as it was crafted and designed by the crooked and power-hungry LAWYERS of this country.  Titles of nobility were NEVER to be allowed to hold any government office.  LAWYERS are the root of the problems this country is facing today! The 14th amendment must be abolished along with several of the other so-called amendments.  Lawyers have made the people slaves to their wishes and desires.  Remove all LAWYERS from government and from having anything to do with the way this country operates!

    • A better description of who and where the problem is would be BANKERS, then THIER LAWYERS, followed by the puppet POLITICIANS guided by the special interest lobbyist of the BANKERS CORPORTIONS.

  • very true but we need to reclaim the original 13th Amendment to our Constitution and get rid of all lawyers and titles  of nobility!

  • While I agree with almost everything in this post and the comments, it is my opinion many of the items needing to be changed, are not likely to happen, no matter how hard we yell.  On the other hand, it seems to me, IF we can get a republican congress in 2021 we have a great chance of passing The One Subject at a Time Act.  That law would do so much to create transparency in both the house and Senate.  Can you imagine if legislators could not add amendments that were irrelevant?  We could see exactly what a legislature stood for. There would be no more voting for the lesser of two three four evils, as a congressman often has to do now.  A perfect example is what happened ed to Bush with no more taxes if you know the details of that legislation. Democrats are constantly setting traps that they can use against their opponents.   Imagine, One Subject at a Time.  The only argument a I have heard against this bill is how hard it would be to pass new laws.  What? That's a bad thing??  If you look this bill up, please notice that not one Democrat has co-sponsored this bill

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