
  • Well, he freed the slaves but that would have occurred naturally in time.  Perhaps by freeing the slaves as he did he might have created a climate that is still with us today and shows few signs of going away!. 

  • He destroyed The Constitution & was a world class liar.  No wonder the liberals think of him as one of our greatest presidents, along with FDR.  He paved the way for FDR's full frontal assault on our constitutional rights.

    The argument that he freed the slaves is farcical.  As another responder noted, the institution was doomed and, by his own statement to Horace Greeley, it was not his intention to free the slaves, only preserve the Union but what he didn't say was that, if necessary, at any cost.  That cost was about 640,000 American lives and the reduction of the mass of the South to ashes.  No humanitarian was he.    

  • Richard;

    I am old enough to have known several black Americans who were born into slavery and lived to be near 100 years old.  They were good people and not the hyphenated African-Americans of today.

    Lincoln did a justice to mankind by removing slavery.

    It even permitted many of the down trodden white trash of the 1800's opportunities they did not have before.

    The racial strife today is man-made by remnants of the NAZI empire that came to America during WW II while the WW II was gearing down and they need refuge, and after WW II Nuremberg trials (to keep Russia from getting their technology knowledge).

    JFK was assassinated by this group in MONEY POWER GRAP opportunity.

    Johnson was brain-washed that he would be next (and public opinion twisted to make us believe he wanted to be the President sooo bad he would have JFK murdered); so he became the Alcoholic President.

    Nixon - also became an Alcoholic because of the Cabal pressure.

    Carter - Simply a communist to begin with being a CECIL RHODES (Socialist) Scholar.

    Regan - tried to correct the clock.

    Bush - Someone that would practice eviel and whose family supported NAZI WW-II lords cannot be all that great to begin with.

    Clinton - Son of Bush - and Cecil Rhodes (Socialist) Scholar.

    Bush - Only a small chip off the old block who seems to be torn between GOD and Country, and, it's eviel twin.

    OBAMA - A Muslim Misfit puppet created by many of the above to eventually destroy the United States.

    Did Lincoln Destroy the United States.  Heavens no.

    But many of the ASS HOLE Presidents since sure have tried hard (Roosevelt included).


  • I have thought about that question for many years.  Clearly Lincoln destroyed the 10th Amendment, and set a very dangerous precedent of Federal government having authority over individual State's rights.  In his zeal to "preserve the union," he trampled on the sovereignty of the Southern states.  We are paying a heavy price for that today.  Individual states today who wish to enact their own laws or policies can no longer do that, thanks to Lincoln.  Like everyone else, I was taught that Lincoln was the greatest President.  After much thought on the subject, I believe the opposite is true.  I believe Lincoln violently destroyed an important right, the right of states to manage their own affairs as they see fit. States lost their sovereignty, thanks to Lincoln.  And that was a very unfortunate loss.  It leaves us open to a Federal dictatorship.  We are seeing a lot of evidence that that's happening today!

  • For purposes of political expediency, Lincoln contradicted everything he understood & espoused about the foundational constitutional doctrine of dual sovereignty and the inherent right of secession by cynically pushing a "unity at any price" platform, thus plunging the nation into the most preventable, unprovoked, illegal and one of the costliest wars in our history.

    Generations have been terribly misled by the revisionists and strong central power adherents who consider the Constitution but a pesky nuisance which should be circumvented whenever it serves nationalist and parochial political interests. Time to educate ourselves as to the self-serving and unprincipled hypocrite Lincoln really was. Oh, he gave great and glowing speeches, was a superb leader, but his lofty words belied his mendacity. He's no hero of mine. He was an enemy of constitutional order and violated the trust of our founders.  I have learned. We must all do the same. HIs legacy? A constitutional republic on life support. Thanks, Abe.

  • one of the worst presidents in our history.

    he destroyed our one great nation, our Republic form of government (common-law), and replaced it with the creation of the UNITED STATES corporation, a Democracy (private statutory law), located in District of Columbia, the private corporate UNITED STATES located in District of Columbia established martial law rule in which we are still under today, created civil war inside America with the direction of the criminal banksters, invading the south because they refused to give in to his demands that they give up their lands to the bankers add collateral to refinance the debt, and turned over all the land to the criminal banksters, created the 10 federal military districts which are still in full force today (the ten zip code areas), etc.

    freeing the slaves was a guise and a cover to gain popularity to justify his actions in invading the south at gun point and causing a civil war for the criminal banksters agenda of stealing the land in both south and north over the debt. "freeing the slaves" was the title he used to sell the invasion of the south to the public to hide the reel reason why he was invading the south.

    freeing the slaves from physical chains only to create a new class of slaves using economic chains of slavery called 14th Amendment U.S. (corporate) citizen, one becomes a franchisee of this private corporation owned and controlled by the criminal banksters, thus also being regulated, taxed and controlled.

    do some research and find the truth behind this traitorous president. the truth shall set you free.

    the beginning of the downfall of this once great Republic started with Lincoln and is continued today. his martial law rule started the chain of "Executive Orders" with his first Executive Order #1 declaring martial law (we are still under martial law rule today), bypassing the house and Senate allowing the presidents of this UNITED STATES corporation to become a tyrant/dictator, what the prior forefathers didn't want to happen and fought against. Lincoln's actions undid the revolution and took this Republic back to preRovolution time of subjugation and a new form of Slavery 2.0.
  • I follow a lot of the discussions and concede that Many Presidents have had a hand in destroying the United States (Especially BUSH, BUSH, Clinton and Obama).

    What is soo sad is that the Uncle Sam's Plantation has put the majority of the people Lincoln freed right back into Slavery but of a different brand and they will be slaves until they wake up and free themselves.

    We cannot do it for them.

  • Folks, listen up.  Lincoln did NOT free slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation freed ONLY slaves in states that were fighting for the Confederacy.  E.P did NOT free slaves in states fighting for the Union.  The E.P. was a political / economical move to punish states who dared stand up to the power of the federal government. 

    In addition, Lincoln ordered the largest  mass hanging of Native Americans in our history.  Mankato, Minnisota I believe, not sure of place.  Check out your history.  Yes, Lincoln  did much to destroy our constitutional Republic.  Peace,

  • When I was young and in school I always thought he was the best president ever, boy was I wrong. Throughout the years of studying on my own, I found what is being taught in our schools is far from the truth. Abe was a tyrant. He had no right to tell the people what they needed to do. He had no right to bring war among the states. He took the office as a president and tried to rule it like a king. He may have been a nice guy but no king can be a good king. It is impractical to have a king, no matter what you do to try to please one, you take away from another. There is a good video on youtube about how it is impractical to be a king and be a good king. 

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  • He started the destruction of the Constitution.

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