----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • I have nothing to hide. I will tell them anything they want to know just about. It doesn't matter anyway, we're dealing with a corporate crime syndicate masquerading as government of, by and for the people.

    • Morton, so if you have nothing to hide, that's fine. However your friends on your email list might not want to have an open door left in their privacy, so because you have nothing to hide, doesn't mean they do not, and you really can't say you have their best interests in mind when you "volunteer" to let the Government dig into your mail box list. Now do you see why you really shouldn't say that without risking someone else's rights to their privacy. The privacy they might be seeking isn't yours to give away.

      • Public Domain Eric. Once you post here, it is no longer private. And they don't have access to my email list or other important information. That takes passwords to access. I tell them what I want them to know.

        And who said I have your best interests at heart? No offense, but that's your responsibility. And just because I said I would tell them anything they want to know, doesn't mean I have. They can have all the knowledge that is already public. Lying to a police officer is a criminal offense. Besides I would fully invite them to participate in the process here at The Constitution Club. If what you say is true, we have nothing to lose by inviting them in.

        We could use the exposure.

        • Morton, If they come to your domicile, with a warrant,  they will have your email list, and with a back door into the OS in your computer which you bought came with a back door in it, they wouldn't even need to knock on your door, and warrants, you already volunteered to give them any thing they want. So who needs a warrant in dealing with you or any on else who believes, but does not actually know that they may have something to hide? You cannot say with absolute certainty that you have nothing to hide today, and that's because we have so many tens of thousands of laws, codes, rules, that you can never know when you may have done something that turns out to be illegal. Our founders would be shocked and likely pissed off that some people actually trust the Government, and today even more so. Morton, your stance sounds like your out to just tear up the bill of rights, and this is an attempt to stir the cauldron, it worked, now stop stirring that cauldron, you got the results you were seeking.

          • Here's a fun fact. Years ago, a study revealed that we have so many laws, codes, regulations, and statutes, that the AVERAGE person violates at least 12 each and every day.

            Doesn't make sense to venture outside anymore. Not that the electronic police state isn't already indoors with us today.


            What was the scifi movie with Tom Cruise playing a character of the "pre-crime unit". Todays technology and police state behavior makes that an almost realistic possibility very soon.

            My innocent and opinionated posts alone could be enough to have MR Cruise visit me for being a "demesticated terrior". We don't need to actually speak directly to police when we know someone has the capability to listen/record our private conversations and such. They already have the patriotic Act and fisa warrants on everyone. (For those listening, relax and get a sense of humor!!!)
            • 2012 I was researching n looked into Our Liberty Rights to find GPS had enacted 40,000 laws in 1 yr, with ignorance of the law is no excuse, I argue Ppl can no longer affords toBE legal

  • ever ever talk to kops, esp in any criminal situation-demand r best yet carry a mini recorder n read Briscoe vs Lahue, kops r pathological liars n will readily lie just to make the case by making their job easier

       n again Thanks to those that helped get me back on line.

       For my daily new s report join my group, write; ftgfarm@yahoo.com

       seems TPB jerked the market off line was cause sone1 in Chinee was trying to sell off massive amounts of JP Morgan stock n this'd of caused further collapse-we meebe at the BRINK, r THE END. JP holds most of Greece debt n who gains by agreeing to more debt

     n go ahead n tell them anything cause they will take what You said n distort what You meant to imply  Your version is gone like a fart in the wind n who is going to BElieve You over a PEACE ORIFIER aka asshohe

  • If you have nothing to hide, yeah where have I heard that before? You really can't say that today because you have no idea of what they might be looking for and they change the rules all the time today.

    Scientific American just published an article about the FBI wanting to access your Smart Phone with a back door built into the OS on every phone on the market today, this turns out to be a bad idea, namely once that back door is in your phone, this back door can and will likely hacked by parties other then law enforcement. So with experts saying that's bad idea, I'd rather trust my own judgement then to have what little privacy we have left today, entrusted to parties unknown to me.

    We are so close to a slip into a complete police state using the excuse it's to protect us from terrorists, well now when does the Government become the terrorists? A review of the rise and fall of the Third Reich should serve as the wake up call we need to assert our 4th Amendment rights.

    • I have to say this, I didn't add in the bold type face as posted above, so how and who did that?

      Just a thought I had to share..

  •   kop asked me that when he wanted to search my truck for GUNS, WEAPONS, DRUGS TO EXPLOSIVES  n I asked where is probable cause for A, B, C, D n then I said, go ahead, WATCH OUT for my  PITBULL. He LOST ALL INTEREST 

     post BElow should be, Never

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