----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • Great info Edward but,

    I'd personally like to see you do your videos in between smoke breaks. I can't see your face through the smoke.

    On another note, do you think you can standardize some of those great questions you have for the corporate world? Those are good ammunition and nobody knows what questions to ask. We're all stupid.

    • Not stupid, just ignorant — we just do not know!

  • How about this one Jim?

    "Will we be settling this account today?" Or;

    "Have I somehow entered into a contract with you?"

  • Keith,

    I just posted the below on Facebook and plan to send the same to my email list.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Do you know who you are and understand our Constitution?

    Now the People can understand the power of and need for participation in Yahweh's Law!  After watching the very informative video titled “Message to Keith Broaders and members of the Constitution Club re: being aware of a Constitution.” available at https://constitutionclub.ning.com/forum/topics/edward-j-robin-the-tr... and deciding you do love America, join the Constitution Club as a Free member at https://constitutionclub.ning.com/main/authorization/signUp? to help support the Club in an ongoing effort to educate the American populace with important  Truthful information regarding who they are and the importance of choosing whom they will serve. — Yahweh or Lucifer.

    To fully grasp all the information communicated in the video, some people may find it necessary to watch the video more than once. When fully understood, the video will help man to comprehend why Yahweh declares in scriptures that He does not have respect for ‘persons’. In the alternative, you can watch the video on YouTube by going to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zfs5QhtWpM&feature=emb_logo.


  • Another might be, "Do you honestly believe you have the Lawful authority to compel me to violate the Law of my Creator?"

  • Another idea: 

    “I; a man; a native on native soil; do not consent and do not answer questions.”

  • Say Edward,

    Have you been reading Publius Huldah? She kinda agrees with a lot of what you say.

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