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Elder Abuse of Power

Please have a look at this abuse of power and realize that we are all about to have this kind of abuse at our back door if we do not respond. I you are in Ohio and can perhaps assist or at least visit with Rosanna Miller to: prov2828@hotmail.com. Please try to help. Others may respond to her directly or reply here with comments. Thank you for reading this!

To everybody, 
This is the recording of me visiting my Dad on May 12, 2014. You will be bored but can fast forward to counter 28:00 to hear the police come in and arrest me. That lasts 3 min. You can hear me asking them not to search my things and seize them with no warrant to do so.
If you notice, NOTHING was mentioned about criminal trespassing. It is all about the false warrant.
This is the audio of the next morning at arraignment from the jail. You will have to turn down the volume.
Judge Beck released me on my own OR.
This is the hearing on Wed May 21, 2014 over the arrest and show cause for court costs. 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/glwbt2mno7v4an6/3%20-%20Warrant%20Hearing%2005.21.14.MP3 (click download then open) She did not find me guilty of contempt over what she arrested me for because it is illegal. 
Towards the end she can't find my Affidavit of Neg Averment... This woman is throwing everything out of the record that she does not like....... UNBELIEVABLE.....  
You can read the WRIT of PROHIBITION I filed to the 3rd district court of appeals here.... 
Here is my counterclaim I filed. She has sent this back to me.
This is the SECOND time my body has been abducted under threat and gun point for NO wrongdoing..... They are actually getting away with this. The Ohio Attorney General, FBI or the Disciplinary counsel is NOT going to stop this. 
I appreciate your feedback. I don't think anybody realizes what a toll this is taking. All because I want justice for my parents and to keep the cabal from stealing their estate. 
Andy Ostrowski (we need more people like this)
Corruption? Attorneys, Professors, and Judges Speak Out!
Congressional Candidate Slams American Bar Association
CPS Corruption? Attorneys, Professors, and Judges Speak Out!

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  • I have been & still am the victim of elder abuse. My own 2 daughters, son in law & an ex from 25 years ago colluded with others in a gang stalking crime against me to extort money &  try to have me killed. I have a  son & daughter who are great too. These two that are attacking me live for greed & are pure evil. https://www.facebook.com/TruthForTrapperKillsmany?ref=hl. I am fighting the total corruption of the legal system in Alaska now & have 6 commercial liens won & matured. Had to take them into common law. Now needing help with the enforcement part.


    Truth for Trapper Killsmany
    Truth for Trapper Killsmany. 1.1K likes. This page is dedicated to bringing truth & justice back & to expose the massive corruption in Alaska & elsew…
  • Trapper Killsmany, we need to talk. I am on the same page as you. I keep writing in Common Law as a Court of Record. I am because I've kept my records. the judge keeps throwing out my filings and trashing them or sending them back to me in the mail with the clerk of courts stamped crossed out....So you know they were filed. That is a FEDERAL crime. 18 usc 2017 & 2076

    As you can see from my links she put out a warrant on me for court costs recently that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I have written the WRIT of PROHIBITION to the appeals court. You can read in the exhibits, the Ohio Supreme Court already told them NOT to do this. These people don't have anybody they have to answer too.

    My civil wrongful death case for Mom's death is sitting in the appeals court too waiting for a decision. The trial court took the case away from me and then dismissed it so I can't get to a Trial by Jury. All due process has been refused me. This carries on with the abuse of my Dad loaded on chemical drugs and they have stolen $750,000 out of my parents estate. I think it is obvious why they are victimizing me.

    Anyway I filed a counterclaim on the city and judge by affidavit for falsification to incriminate me because of new evidence I found after she convicted me on a second charge. She acknowledged it but did NOT answer the facts. I did one, two, three then filed a default and it is recorded in the county recorders office. She wont' answer anything I write because I give evidence as exhibits and can prove it. She would have to confess and that is not going to that.

    point is my claim is legally recorded and I want to file for the payment and am ready to go to the insurance company that insures them. PLEASE contact me so we can put our brains together for remedy, relief and redress. 

    PS This judge keeps telling me Common Law doesn't exist anymore. She says it all the time. Also the judge just made a reply to my WRIT and I believe they are confused as to what to do.... So I need help. I must be doing something right. I did get her to recuse herself from the case. I just don't want to lose this. I've counterclaimed again for this last time they arrested me illegally. All of this is to keep me away from my Dad.......

    • Rosanna!

      Please check Karl Lentz website. (broadmind.com)

      I see you are doing many things right but are still in their clutches.

      Lentz has distilled their system and found his remedy.  Of all the people, you are most definitely able to understand what he has done and how to use it.


      • Thanks for trying to help Paul but it's http://www.broadmind.org/ and can be accessed by link if you simply copy the http: address to the reply box just like this. Thanks again for your assistance.

        Court of Record
        Check out http://broadmind.org! Home Page common-law common law kommon law kommon-law
    • I have a page that I started posting legal stuff back in December. I went through the commercial lien process & now have a lawful judgement. It can be enforced by the Sheriff as they have ultimate authority. Alaska has no Sheriffs office & so I must go through FBI or use Militia.I have contacted their insurance company & not heard anything back as yet. They are not bonded in Alaska. The Constitution was written in common law  & they swear an oath to uphold it.Have you got their Oaths yet? Serve them with PSQ docs yet? I got the oaths & insurance from the Attorney General finally & two judges that started my harassment aren't even on the bench legally. The girl that prosecuted my first illegal arrest doesn't even work for the prosecutor according to the Attorney General.To date I have never been allowed to speak or show evidence in any court hearings. 


      Here is my email too if I can help. tkillsmany@hotmail.com

      Lien Affidavit All condenced.docx


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