----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Electronic Money

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Since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act over 100 years ago the IRS gas collected hundreds of trillions of dollars and much of that money has been invested and Congress has accumulated $146 trillion dollars in assets.

Before the Federal Reserve was born Congress issued our money and regulated its value, For the past 107 years the Federal Reserve has printed our money and regulated its value.

The purchasing power of a dollar issued in 1913 is now worth three cents. The wealth of our people has been stolen by the bankers and we are on the verge of becoming a third world nation.

Congress continues to spend money faster than a drunken sailor and as a result the average American is deeply in debt.

If Congress issue our money and regulated its value the Federal Reserve to vanish and debt  and taxes would become a thing of the past.

If the trillions of dollars in compensation being distributed to the people as a result of the corona-virus was issued by the U.S. Treasury Department it would not need to be borrowed and would not need to be repaid.

For over 100 years Congress has climbed in bed with the enemy turned us all into debt slaves on a Federal plantation

There are 7,383 men and women serving as state senators and assemblymen and the need to informed on this humongous crime.

Please contact your state and federal representatives and share this message with them. They have been representing the bankers for far too long and the time has come for them to represent the best interests of people they were elected to serve.

Believe it or not the government of the United States has assets of over $146 trillion dollars.

See the U.S. National Debt Clock for verification.



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  • Your Federal representatives are members of the United States Inc. Congress. They do not have our interests at heart. There is a well organized, peaceful movement already in place to form Jural Assemblies. There are Jural Assemblies in almost every state of the Union right now so why start something new? If you want more info reply here.

  • shrinking-dollar-value-picture-id176014626?k=6&m=176014626&s=612x612&w=0&h=zHoiKpmZWS0pdD352sf3FBCXxIy7ymqFWa7YFpslKS4=&profile=RESIZE_710x

    The value of a dollar when the Constitution was signed in 1787  was worth $1.06 in 1913. Today it takes $26.07 to purchase what a $1 would have purchased back in 1913.

    Congress issued the money and regulated its value for 126 years and the value of the dollar remained stable. From 1913 to 2020 the value of the dollar is only worth 4% of what is was worth in 1913.

  • Will someone please send me even one tiny shred of evidence that this $146 trillion investment exists?  Someone must have gotten the idea from somewhere.  I have examined one state and federal financial statement after another, and find zero evidence that this thing exists.  Many people seem to have signed on to this notion. but until I can see it in black and white I simply cannot.

    Of course, many people signed on to the nonsense about how the Iraqi dinar was going to be revalued and we were all going to get rich by spending a thousand bucks on that worthless currency.  So, as they say, where are those investors' yachts?

    Charles Kraut

    • There are 2 different Marshall's Services. My impression is the one that works for us is The Continental Marshals Service not The United States Marshall's Service. They are the land jurisdiction. This distinguishes the right one for enforcement of a wrong that needs to be made right. This is only 2 years old and could use the money owed to us by The Federal Government to correct problems such as this National Debt that impresses me as trick for slaving us all[In World War II the creditors for Germany were The Jews; however, instead of being reimbursed, they were quite the victim of a holocaust as given in many types of news!][Keep in mind, Russia corrected their National Debt I am impressed!].

  • Deception is and has clearly been used upon those of us desiring to follow The Constitution orchestrated by President John Adams to President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, which by the way is the longest standing Constitution throughout all civilizations! About correcting this problem, please study AnnaVonReitz.Com.

    Anna von Reitz
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