Equality Under the Law

8575481468?profile=originalThe people living in the colonies wanted to create a society where everyone was equal under the law. They were disgusted with the British society that was divided into classes where certain individuals were granted special rights and privileges that were not available to all. Our founders wanted everyone to have equal opportunities but they detested the idea that some individuals or groups would be able to secure special treatment or entitlements for themselves and their political allies.

The idea that people could band together to form factions in order to acquire political power to steal the property of others allows groups to do what it is unlawful for the individual to do on his own. The idea that a group has the right to pick another man's pocket makes the law an instrument in the hands of a tyrant. If we allow this to go on we are giving our consent for the government to use its power to abuse rather than protect the rights of the individual.

The notion that a political faction sufficiently large could benefit at the expense of a minority violates the principles of equality under the law.

8575447252?profile=originalThe creation of political parties, unions and other organizations that lobby for special treatment violates the very principles upon which our nation was conceived. By allowing special interest groups to have a voice in government, we have opened the door to crime and corruption. The Republic created by the founders was to be a nation of laws where the rights to the people were supreme and where groups could not gain a foothold to abuse the God given rights of the people.

Many of our Representatives facilitate this plunder under the color of law. If a law is unjust we should refuse to comply with it. Tyrants expect the masses to obey the law, which makes it possible for them to enslave the people.

Rulers derive their power from the consent of the governed and their capacity to enslave mankind is predicated on our obedience to their commands. Isn't it about time that we withdrew our consent and refused to comply with the demands of our oppressors?

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