----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Emancipation Proclamation March 16, 2014

The Obama Administration has acknowledged our "constitutional presence" in the land (see Executive Order issued March 06, 2014, Sec. 7.http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/03/06/executive-order-blocking-property-certain-persons-contributing-situation) In so doing, he is sending a message to the American People that we will be transitioning to constitutional oversight of the U.S. Corporation in the near future. I urge all patriotic Americans to look forward to being set free from excessive taxation, a runaway judicial system, and government intrusion at federal, state and local levels.

Our Constitution guarantees a republican form of governance at all of these levels. My job, as President for the Republic is to work for and with the American People to ensure a peaceful transition from government tyranny to a government that once again serves and represents the People. As it stands - the Corporate U.S. does not represent you - it has been put in place to manage you and your assets.

Working together, it is a small thing for the American People to effect this transition. I am issuing a WARNING to all agents serving the U.S. Corporation. Since the Obama Administration has clearly stated that there is a "constitutional presence" in the land you are now obligated to the Constitution and to the American People. Soon, de jure grand juries will be looking into your conduct. I cannot, nor will I, protect you from these juries. Therefore, if you are issued unlawful orders from anyone above you DO NOT carry out such orders. Remember what happened at Nuremberg? I do not want that happening in this country. The rule of law will be applied equally to all, requiring justice for the innocent as well as for those proven guilty of atrocities that have been committed in the name of the American People. Just because someone above you told you to carry out an unlawful order does not make you innocent of a crime.  

My orders to the U.S. Military and its trustees are to send an emissary so that they can work with the newly recognized interim Constitutional Government to help facilitate a peaceful transition. The American People will be set free. Freedom will mean increased responsibility upon each of us to ensure we do no harm to each other. Together, and with God's help and guidance, we can do all things; only believe.           

God Bless America,   

James Buchanan Geiger

President, Republic for the United States of America 


Editor's Note:

This was submitted for your examination and study by Wayne Bachman. It is controversial at best and unclear as to exactly what the intent is. I submit that if you follow the link, you will see that the "national emergency" referenced in the link is about restricting the activities of certain people, even Americans from doing business with the Ukraine. 


What's to stop him from changing a couple words and applying this same E.O. to our country? I smell a rat. And his name is OBAMA.

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  • Yes he is a RAT.

  • This looks like a wishful dreamer.  Who or What is the "Republic for the United States of America"?

  • The Republic died when Congress passed the 17th Amendment! That was over 100 years ago. Ever since then they being the Bankers and such have been hard at work destroying the Nation.


    • It did not die. It was abandoned. See the post on it that I just put up.

  • Apparently, someone has established a parallel, virtual government to supplant the 'revolutional' Corporation of USA which similarly and surreptitiously assumed/began assuming control of our people and their assets over 100 years ago. I believe this is an excellent way to re-transition back to the Constitutional government bestowed on us by our founders. What better way to avoid a brief period of anarchy and chaos while new leaders are chosen.

    In ten years, there will be a detailed analysis of exactly how we almost lost it all. How, in a cloud of obfuscation and (historically) brief period of neglect and distraction, an insidious and duplicitous army of traitors rose up and falsely redirected our course in leading the world. Today, we are writing the critical turning point in how our Republic was shaken out of their moral malaise and regained control of our Rightful destiny.

    Perhaps there is a (probably unintended) relationship between this effort, and the Operation American Spring project, planned for May 16 in DC (www.oas2014.com)?

    • Kinda like Bitcoin?

    • You are close in your presumption Terry. We did not have to "establish" a new government. All we had to do was put the corporate individuals on notice to re-inhabit the vacated Republic, and take their proper Oaths. They wouldn't do it, so we elected replacements to do the job. This is all in accordance with the Declaration of Independence. We restored the Republic in a lawful manner, and it is now in the process of growing. The big problem we have had is infiltrators from the corporation trying to break us up, but this is for real, and recognized at the Hague.

  • Thank you for posting this. When I first read this it was quickly, as I am under time pressure from my own schedule. Later when I read it more thoroughly, I got quite a different message. This is a problem with legalese. Everything coming out of the mouths of lawyers should be plain English and attorneys should not be permitted to be in Public Service jobs. The definition of attorney is someone who specializes "at turning", taking property/money away from one person and giving it to someone else, for a profit, usually a huge one. When it is spelled with an upper case "A", as in Attorney, it is a Title of Nobility, which is unconstitutional via the original 13th Amendment.

    We need these BAR agents, members of a secret society, based in London, out of our government and courts, and preferably out of the country. After reading it a couple times, I now see where President Geiger is coming from, and the letter from Obama harmonizes with what I read from a report from GRI (Global Research Initiative) where Glenn Beck gets a lot of his information. The GRI clearly exposes Obama as being subservient to Putin, and this Executive Order exposes the fact that Obama is supporting Putin's plan to take control of the Ukraine, as the GRI news letter indicated from Putin's own words.

  • Yes Obama is a RAT but so is most of Congress. Look at the fool holding up a Musket (RINO Mitch McConnell). I wouldn't even call him a Senator just like I wouldn't call Obama a President. They are all out to destroy our nation because they have been bought and payed for by the Elite who rule the new world government. They are all for incorporation bought and payed for by The Corporation. We the American people are slaves to our government and the elite who run these corporations. The Income Tax made slaves out of all of us and that also was passed over 100years ago along with the Federal Reserve Banking Act. Welcome to enslavement people; no real wealth in your pockets!

    Think Revolution!

    • The revolution has already occurred, Kenneth, and we are under the totalitarian rule of our oppressors. It is time for a counter-attack to regain control over our sovereign republic. I repeat, check out http://www.oas2014.com . Become part of the rebirth of our Republic.

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