----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

This comes to us via Tony from a Facebook post. I think you'll find it interesting.

From Tony;

"Yesterday I saw a picture, with a political statement on it that was obviously right wing and attacking liberals. An hour later I saw the same picture with an opposite sentiment under it, attacking conservatives. The fishing expedition has begun.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Russian troll bots are back and this time they are banking on our complete and total stupidity.

Everybody make sure to fight each other to the death under these obvious false flags. It will help our enemies.

Zuckerburg has shown himself to be just another billionaire on the side of the autocracy taking over. Screw him and screw what Facebook turned into.

I'm done reading any of it. If a post isn't from a friend, I'm flagging it as spam. I encourage everyone reading this to do the same.

It started sucking me in before I caught the obvious fishing with that meme that played both sides. They are scared we will figure it all out so they are starting early. America is a mess and they don't want us to be able to clean it up.

They like us just the way we are now. Unorganized, divided and vulnerable to attack as a result.

Don't let the bastards win.

Pass this on if you care about the country. Remind people there are forces out there working 24/7 to keep us divided.

Learn to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake or walk away altogether if you have the ability to do so.

The only way I can afford to quit Facebook is to start my own dot com for all of my activities I do on here (bands, slot-car group etc.) and invite my real friends to it, so they can find me.

And maybe have a new FB account for nothing more than directing traffic to it when I want to advertise something.

I don't know the real solution yet but that is close."

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