Federal Budget


2016 Federal Spending

Personal Income Tax $1.7 Trillion

Payroll Taxes $1.2 Trillion

Corporate Taxes $233 Billion

Tax Revenue $3.4 Trillion

Government Spending $4.4 Trillion

Budget Deficit $1 Trillion

Interest of the debt $366 Billion

Defense Budget $637 Billion

Federal Prisons $284 Billion 

Medicare and Medicaid $1.1 Trillion

Social Security $1 Trillion

Social Security Disability $296 Billion

Corporate Tax Breaks and Subsidies in $1 Trillion

The Federal government has assets worth over $152 Trillion

The government gave corporations over $1.2 trillion dollars in tax breaks and subsidies and had to borrow the money in order to give it away..

In 2015 the Federal Budget was 3.8 trillion dollars. The government spent 1.1 trillion dollars on discretionary spending including 550 billion dollars on defense.

Mandatory spending for social security, medicare and social welfare program received approximately 3 trillion dollars. The government had to borrow to cover the budget deficit.





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