----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • I filed the ancient Writ from the jail, damn sheriff left it on his desk & 2 weeks later gave it  to the DA, it was never filed with the alleged Kort. July 2013 I learned of this Jan 11th 2016 when I finaly got the discovery material. I called ND STATE Court admin & asked WTF??? She called walsh co & demanded to know WTF???

    it was then given to the clerks office & a she-bitch judge decided it was MOOT, my Writ states Jurisdiction n per SCOTUS decisions this can be challenged at any time-thru all this the STATE REFUSES  to address it has no jurisdiction

    I filed notice of appeal n SUP of ND clerk said it is NOT appealable

    Habeas r considered civil n this is a final decision-I cant find anything why it isn't an appeal issue

    I filed a Verified Torture Complaint in Fed Kort, was granted IFP statis, I asked the Kort for service of the complaint & summons by US Marshals & that I be granted Counsel by the US Attorneys as these are crimes committed by STATE "Actors"

    My ND STATE appeal was heard, yet the kort refuses to release the alleged "decision" diff n the Writ appeal tho both on same charges

    The STATE refuses to address the lie in the search warrant affidavit-there was NO tall grass nor weeds, there was no dogs loose, only the Puppies & Nunya, Nunya was a teen age goof BALL, a well mannered Idiot, goofy & was funny to even watch Him

    SHOT by the STATE while on his chain on private property

    these govt shitters got a lie & just went with it, Truth be damned

    also  there never was a Probable Cause finding by any judge ;<{)~~~

    my fed complaint has been left sitting there on the clerks desk-Justice delayed is Justice DENIED n Robes have rules stating w/o sale nor delay

    So my Life mebbe in a STATE of Able Danger, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, WTF All Eh???

    the she bitch judge was removed from my Post Conviction Petition, see US vs Leon to C on a judge meeting a neutral status & is now "hearing" a  civil action of mine & is F'n up a default judgement-defendant refused to answer & this bitch gives him a 2nd chance & she is holding  the bench trial-I never agreed to this

    also my Writ stated NO Female judges, as I was framed in 1996 & a dirty judge-again NO Finding of Probable Cause

    America is BEing Betrayed by the Robes-Black Robe Terrorism, see how G Bush was sold the WH, that lied to His WMD or Words of Mass Deception butchering 1,500,000 Ppl costing We the Sheeples $1.3 trillion fiats

    then federal robes decided We the Sheep have no "Standing" to challenge Fbot as an American, standing is an injury or damage to property

    so Fbot gave $2 billion in smart meters & Blew $70,000,000 golfing as We the Shitters cant afford to eat, Ppl losing their Homes-ur CHANGE

    Fbot had to cut We the Grateful Slaves food stamps some $70 to feed the ILLegals, total costs I put at over $1` billion fiats

    To the jew federal robe that heard the 911 damages

    now the jewish judge on the SCOTUS "decided" Iran is liable for some $1 billion in damages for 911, zionisreal did 911 by Saudi money-yet I wonder why that $500,000 grant was given to Urban Moving Systems??? IS blaming the mooslums a dis-info ops

    IT is going to get worse, the grid mebbe next, tho not till next winter as THEY need shock & awe

    there is also the Georgia Stones calling for culling 90% of Humanity

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