----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Essentially early in the history of the American experiment, the Constitution was suspended. The explanations and reasons may differ but what is significant is that as Ed Noonan points out, with no valid Constitution in effect the government is not authorized to continue to act on behalf of the people.

Perhaps we can impose on Mr. Noonan to expand on this matter. However, in the interim, please consider getting your head around the fact that since the Constitution was suspended, foreign agents in the form of impersonators, have infiltrated all three branches of the American government and have unlawfully seized control. This occurred long before Obama and he is simply a symptom

Americans have no lawful government. We have been invaded and occupied by foreign agents.

Therefore my friends, it is up to the people to investigate this matter, expose the truth and confront and repel these invaders. As long as we continue to play as though they are legitimate, we provide them with legitimacy.

Recognizing the difficulty in getting regular ordinary folks to understand this aspect of the situation many of us realize raising this matter might serve to damage our own credibility.

While this is natural and understandable, never-the-less for your own satisfaction, and to fully appreciate the diabolical nature of the plan against which we are fighting, you are urged to persevere and overcome your urge to pass this off.

If you are tempted to doubt the above just read the words of Colonel Mandell House as he related part of this plan to President Wilson

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  • Good position Arnie,
    Noonans perspective of invalidity to the federal government is one I stood with 20 years ago. And you are correct, it does not matter how the infiltration occurred.

    The one thing I would point out is that we really do not need to compromise ourselves by trying to expose the infiltration. All we really need to do is unify, then take control by the legal processes we do recognize. Those would be of the 1787 constitution.

    Since congress, the judiciary, the president etc. are comprised of infiltrators for the most part, why acknowledge them at all? We need to get rid of them not recognize them. Since those 3 branches are infiltrated, whatever we do must dominate authority over them.

    Therein is why Article V must be used. However, we can count on the federal infiltrators having embedded infiltrators in state governments to guard against Article V, the only legal mechanism which has authority over them.

    Now we need a method of identifying the infiltrators. We can apply that to congress and the senate as well. All official offices need purification before we can continue unfettered by the corruptions.

    The populations of citizens are affected by the infiltration too and the spiritually weak buy into the power sometimes.

    The question is, "How do we conduct this type of purification?"

    We've spoken on the phone perhaps 2 years ago. I'm sure you remember. Your post indicates your thinking is less partisan now, and much more deeply concerned for our collective futures. Recent events reasonably dictate such changes of heart and mind for constitutional Americans.

    I've never given any credence to our political system, so have always simply looked at the principals of the constitution and how to inspire people with them, so such might be used to overcome the dysfunction of that system. In doing that I noticed that as soon as I introduced such inspiration in forums I had a cluster of anonymous unaccountables trying to dismiss the information. It did not matter which subject.

    After a time my perspective changed with critical thinking "reverse engineering" their collective act. I concluded that as "cognitive infiltrators" they were simply opposing information useful to is for restoring constitutional government.

    In around November of 2013 I came up with a dual purpose strategy based in constitutional intent. It is based in the assumption that the infiltrators cannot and will not do anything which assists our unification behind constitutional intent.

    I then determined the root definition of the PURPOSE of a prime constitutional right, freedom of speech. I then set to testing it at the dailypaul forum because it had a highly suspect group. I also learned in 8 years of arguing 9-11 issues that most often, forums were controlled by the infiltrations covertly. The glitzier they were, the more popular they appeared, the less truth they wanted. I was banned over and over for simply NEVER giving up on facts.

    The dailypaul had such trappings. I hoped it was not, but was not surprised when it turned out to be so.

    I first tested my theory for filtering and purifying posters at that forum. The test was a bigger success than I expected.


    I was banned within a couple of weeks, because it was working and I was credibly exposing cognitive infiltrators and labeling them as such.

    There is one important thing to remember. A sincere American who has been cognitively overtaken by a covert group of infiltrators , is basically as effective at trashing information useful to our unity or restoration of constitutional government as the infiltrators themselves. The only difference is the deceived Americans MAY realize their error and change their position while the infiltrator never will.
  • I then Integrated this method into a strategy for filtering incumbents and candidates.
    It also worked, but by exposing a hypocritical position which was conditional support for the obvious constitutional intent in favor of partisan vote gathering and corporate contributions. The candidate is not an infiltrator, but instead buys into the political environment created by the infiltrated government. They can always change their mind and unconditionally support constitutional intent in order to actually serve America to its fullest.

    This thread linked here presents the justification for the American demand go an Article V convention with preparatory amendment. Notice that 2 Americans accepted openly the definition of the purpose of free speech, while to insiders of OAS offered platitudes but still have not accepted the purpose. A third, somewhat frantic poster also failed to openly accept the purpose. This might be explained as the posters being overwhelmed or distracted to do so, but I think not.


    Unconditional support for our constitution and its principals will dissolve our differences to a degree where unity is possible using this method.
    I recommend that this method be shared as the wildfire, approach which replaces the useless regurgitation of the sensational problems of gossip quality the infiltrators have created then use to fill forums and distract us from the truly useful information for defending and upholding our constitution.

    All in all, OAS appears to be a very likely tragedy at worst or an Ineffective time waster at best. I cannot imagine that the retired military leadership have any civil remedy for meeting their goal which is unstated. There apparently is some secret info and plan which may work. However, why not also let the people be "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts"?

    Also, about the time LTC Terence Lakin was denied witness and evidence at court martial for refusing to deploy at the order of the POTUS fraud, was the condition where the military would want to start leading protest marches on DC. Not a few years later when the people are so economically weakened that travel is a serious hardship.
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