From Daniel Pendergast


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That pretty well describes what we have today, just replace a few parties. The president of the United States is a mouthpiece for those who control that office, and no, I'm not talking about the voters. If this president is, in truth, the man he is portraying for the camera, I will be most willing to eat a huge slice of humble pie. I have made many mistakes in my life but cannot see how Trump, if he is what he claims to be, is allowed to live and proclaim that he is going to do all the great things he says he wants to do. Those proclamations of his intent are totally opposite of the goals of the deep state.

As we, who have studied government and its machinations for quite some time have figured out, this privately owned corporation called the UNITED STATES, etc. has been masterfully controlled by its owners, the Rothschild/Vatican international mafia. The mafia controls who runs for office and who wins by utilizing the tools of its trade, the main stream media and controlled vote counting. With this in effect there isn't a snowballs chance in hell of the people getting a beneficial candidate on the ballot, let alone in office.

As I have said quite a few times, I believe that Trump was put in office to get those who have awoken to our true state of affairs and the impending NWO to lay aside any plans of organizing against that event. No need to do so now that we have a champion here to do battle for us. What a stroke of genius. Even better that setting us up for the Federal Reserve banking system at Jekyll Island.

Any time in the past that a possible honorable candidate has entered the fray, the MSM has made mince meat of him so that he looked like a mad man ready to drive the country off a cliff. If he did have a good record that was hard to impeach by the media, then fraudulent vote counting insured his demise, ie. Ron Paul. When the choice comes down to the voters, both leading candidates are owned by the mafia.

But what if the winning candidate who is selected, er, ah, I mean elected, has a change of heart and realizes that his controllers have absolutely no concern for the country or the people and acts to right the wrong of leaving the control of our money to a bunch of thieving banksters and decides to take that prerogative away from them? Hello, dirt nap.

Lets take Trump, for instance. I've seen a lot of this NESARA info on the net that has been promising a reset and payout and all kinds of glorious happenings for several years now. Its coming soon. They're feverishly getting everything in order. Trump is secretly arresting hundreds of deep state criminals. We're saving thousands of children from underground tunnels that are being used in pedophilia and human sacrifice. It will come to fruition within the next 2 weeks [that was 3 years ago]. They're almost ready to release the funds. Just a few more key criminals to bring down. By next Friday. The glorious end of this criminal enterprise is at hand. On and on it grinds--just be patient and all will end well. No need to make any plans to revolt against the NWO. Its all being done for you. I'm 81 and I've lived on a farm and I know what bull shit smells like.

Go ahead, Trump, promise to make America great again. You will look real good for the believers and that's your real job--looking good. Promise them anything so we can divide the people into fighting factions over your crude speech, your hairdo, your racism, your denying the rights of illegals to come here illegally, on and on and on. Frivolous, imbecilic rhetoric from the press to appease the idiots on the left and inflame the believers on the right. Gotta keep them voters riled up real good. Registered voters is what the de-facto needs to give it legitimacy on the international scene--the appearance of public support. Donald, just when the public had quit registering to vote and had given up hope of ever getting a president who would fulfill his promises, you miraculously came on the scene. Even though you were chided for years of being a mafia bag man, you got the job, the magnificent MAGA job. Bravo!!

But wait, he appears to be trying and those on the left keep throwing a wrench into the gears of his selfish progress. They cannot let him succeed, never with hair like that and that language, oh my. He has to be stopped at all cost no matter how it hurts the country. That will be our mantra from now on. Democrats and all who are stupid, er, I mean, stupefied by Trumps language, shall see that our party will make sure that none of his proposals for MAGA will ever succeed and our reasoning (?) is that he is just trying to make us look bad.  Hey, if a good part of the mask wearing public bought Covid 19, so they should go for that.

Need I say more?

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