A Virus is Spreading
I seldom post the works of others on my blog. However, occasionally, something crosses my desk that warrants the attention of those who follow my work. This is one of them. It was written by someone I know, though for the purposes of identification, he is simply identified as “Stonewall Lee”. Those who have an interest in the Civil War will probably understand that choice.
I can’t say that I agree with everything stated in the article, however, without a doubt, I agree with almost all of it. I leave with the reader to judge, for themselves, the merit of the work.
By the way, it was Ron Wyden, Democratic Senator from Oregon, that claimed that the events in Burns were a virus that must be stopped.
The Cure for the Tyranny-Virus
by Stonewall Lee
There was a “virus” spreading from Harney County, Oregon in January of 2016. Perhaps it would have been more accurate if it were called an “anti-virus,” as it was intended to aid in curing the sickness that encumbers our society; a society built on the foundation of biblical values, individual liberty, and self-government. It is at these foundational principles that the sickness which infects our nation has aimed its attack most vehemently. Through that effort, in helping to educate the citizens of Harney County about their Constitution, and their God-given rights, they gained much understanding which brought the oppression crushing their community into vivid clarity. They were learning about how things should be, but most certainly are not, and oftentimes one does not realize their own putrid state until they are presented with a picture that offers them some perspective to gauge the disparity.
Most of the methods this “anti-virus” implemented against the plague of tyranny, were educational, and some were based in direct action. The action was intended, not merely as the pursuance of a proper remedy to the corrupted federal and State practices regarding public-land ownership, transfer, management, and acquisition, but as an example which those inclined to correct the ship, so to speak, might learn from. Certainly, such a drastic measure as was taken regarding the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation, was guaranteed to garner much needed attention to the Hammond’s situation (Dwight and Steven’s return to federal prison and the federal government’s lawlessness and corrupt dealings with them for over 35 years), which is just one poignant microcosm of the greater issues which are effecting ranchers, land-users and producers all over the western United States; upon these much light was shed as an effect of the focus on the Hammond’s’ issue.
But there was a methodology which was implemented leading up to the occupation. In fact, the occupation of the refuge can be viewed as the result of revelations which occurred when utilizing this step-by-step process, such as government non-adherence to the Constitution, subversion of the law, and/or complete disregard for the purposes for which American governments are formed. Only after it became revealed that the federal government was not abiding by the law, and that the county and State governments were ineffective in their duty to protect their constituents from the federal infringements, an effort to conform the titles to the property associated with the refuge to be in accordance with the law was pursued.
This methodology was to be the main subject of the meeting in John Day, Grant County, Oregon, on January 26th of 2016, which was interrupted by the ambush and arrest of those who were to present the material, and the murder of LaVoy Finnicum, by the FBI Hostage Rescue Team and Oregon State Patrol SWAT Unit. This methodology was the real “virus” that was so feared by those in power, which they have been effective in staying thus far, and which forms the subject and purpose for our current correspondence. Their fear of it, and the measures they were willing to take to halt its dissemination, reveals its power.
Our nation’s founders walked a morally upright and honorable path in dealing with their British rulers, ultimately separating from them and abolishing their governance of the colonies. They had the hind-sight of their posterity in mind, as well as the knowledge of judgment before a just God, and conducted themselves accordingly. They were also very careful to preserve a cogent record of their actions, not merely to justify themselves to future generations, but to educate us as to the proper course we might follow when we found ourselves facing similar circumstances as they; that we might need not entirely rediscover the process, only improve upon it and adapt it to the times.
The methodology which was in process and was to be presented in Oregon was based on what the founding fathers left us. As always, we hope that separation from our corrupted institutions does not become a necessity. That choice is not ours, but is decided by the Hand of Providence. I’ll not argue here regarding our current situation as a comparison to theirs; if that were necessary, this letter would be far ahead of its time, or addressed incorrectly. As it is, it may feel late, but even then, better late than never, and if we truly believe ourselves to be protected by Divine Providence, there is no other time than right-on, and perfect.
The Meeting That Never Happened
In Harney County, in December of 2015, time was marching too fast for the education, organization, and action of the community, in any manner which would help the Hammonds before they were re-incarcerated. Still, many in the community had a desire to assist in some way. On January 2nd, 2016, under the principles that “We are to be our brother’s keeper,” -paraphrase of The Holy Bible, and “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; a group of individuals made the unconventional decision to mount a continued demonstration at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, about 30 miles south of the cities of Burns and Hines, the major population centers in the county. Aside from increasing the illuminating diffusion of the issues as raised in the previously presented Petition for Redress of Grievances, the apparent adverse-possession of the land drew a massive response from the people of Harney County and the surrounding counties, with thousands seeking information as to why such an effort was initiated.
In answer to the many requests for information which were received by those at the refuge, since renamed to “Harney County Resource Center” (HCRC), community meetings were arranged in a number of the surrounding counties. The issues facing Harney County are just a microcosm of the greater effect which centralized federal initiatives are having across a broad swath of the western States. Western rural-communities are becoming increasingly concerned about federal “ownership,” legislation, and administration of lands within the established States, and The People were very interested in discovering remedies to the detriments to their lives, liberties, and property.
Beginning a couple of weeks into the Malheur occupation, a very brief outline of the ideas which would be discussed was presented to interested citizens, who then decided to organize public meetings in their own counties, and invited those at the HCRC to present the material in full. While en-route to the first public meeting outside of Harney County, those who would present the material were ambushed and arrested by State and federal agents, and LaVoy Finicum was murdered. Thus, it has been dubbed, “The Meeting That Never Happened.”
A memorial to that meeting took place a year later, but absent from it were any of the individuals who were to make presentations at the original meeting, as we are either still imprisoned, or no longer living. A veritable wealth of information was missing.
The points which were intended to be presented on January 26th, 2016, were:
- Claim/Use/Defend: Principles of First in Use – First in Right, Prior Appropriation, and Multiple/Beneficial Use
- Principles of American Government: How government was instituted to assist The People to Claim/Use/Defend
- Government perversion and application of Claim/Use/Defend to suit other interests
- Spheres of Government: Multi-layered and decentralized for the protection of The People from other layers of government and foreign invasion
- How The People can restore liberty and the Rule of Law (subject matter of this letter):
- Step One: Informal inquiry and request for investigation
- Step Two: Petition for Redress of Grievances
- Committees of Safety: history and application; Direct Representation
- Step Three: Demand for Redress of Grievances
- Step Four: Action for Redress of Grievances
- Comparison of modern situation with that of the generation of 1776, using grievances in Declaration of Independence
- Canceling contracts with the federal government; civil-defiance
- Virtue, fortitude and courage, and a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence
LaVoy Finicum was to present the final parts of the meeting; perhaps the most important, and absent the points of which renders the entire presentation moot. The charisma and courage Mr. Finicum displayed prior to and during the occupation will be forever to his honor. This is not an easy row to hoe. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant of almost the entirety of human civilization, which has spent most of its existence in servitude to very few individuals. In fact, it could be said that civilization itself has been the manipulation of masses of individuals, apparently to their own betterment of living, but exceedingly so to the betterment of the few who are astute at manipulating them. This has produced a series of events, which has cycled repeatedly.
…and much more to follow
There are many more chapters to present in this story: a clothing for passing on the Cure for the Tyranny-Virus. As stated above, this series of articles will focus primarily on the process of recognizing our inherent, God-given, Constitutionally protected liberty, and asserting it.
We are free, we need only act as such, and expect the actions of government to comport with that truth. If our public-servants do not serve the public, but themselves or special-interests and not the general citizenry, we maintain the right to alter or abolish their positions, or the government we birthed which we employ them by.
Only then can the liberty we possess be exercised according to our Supreme Law (the Constitution and all laws pursuant to it) and values, and not those of a select few that believe they have the right to determine the course of Man, absent his knowledge or approval – contrary to his conscience.
The Almighty not only protects such efforts, but has ordained their success and rampant spread, no matter how hopeless the odds appear; if only we can conjure the courage and fortitude to pursue them, and perceive their necessity to our children’s future as freemen.