----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

If you think that George Soros is helping to fund the Convention of the States Project you are out of your mind. He has everything to gain by maintaining the status quo. His puppets in Congress give him virtually everything he wants. A Convention of the States would seriously jeopardize the control he has over our government.

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  • We were given a Constitutional Republic by our Founding Fathers with the requirement to maintain her. We at Convention of States Project have the method needed to rein in our run-a-way Federal government. It is a simple process;
    Article V Part 2
    "Enlightened Citizens" are needed to save our Republic and this is accomplished by education not fear. Our Founding Fathers gave us the process in Part 2 of Article V;

    Amendment Process #2 of Article V

    1. 34 states submit applications for the same issue

    2 Congress is required to call the convention

    3. Commissioners debate, propose, and vote upon possible amendments

    4. Proposed amendments are sent to the states for ratifications 5. If 38 states ratify, the proposed amendments become part of the Constitution

    Please join us at conventionofstates.com and cosaction.com. We thank you!

    In Liberty,
    Fred Yerrick
    Veteran of Foreign War

  • Keith, that's a poor argument as we all know Soros et al's GOAL is to OBLITERATE the USA. How better to accomplish this feat than to DESTROY and REPLACE our Constitution?

    Who said he wants to control the USA?  He just wants us decimated.

    He kills countries not runs them.

  • Trusader, If it is the goal of George Soros to destroy the United States he and cronies in Congress are doing a great job. We are heading in the direction that will lead to the accomplishment of his goal unless we change the direction in which we are headed. By opposing a meeting of the states to propose amendments you are helping the most evil man in the world enslave the world.

    • It's not if, but 'IS' soros DESTROYING the US.  Even after oVomit having said "We are just five days away from Fundamentally Transforming' America" the sheople didn't get it .. and so began the slow ear-piercing march to communism/Fascism/socialism/etc !

      We are headed in this sad direction because of groups/people like the TEA Party, Patriot Action Network, & Levin Mark Meckler who shoved the Illegal Alien Raphael Eduardo Cruz into my district 12 Senatorial seat. Is there anyone out there still believing LYINGted is an American?  If so, I have copious information proving that he is very illegal.  Just ask, thanks!

      The Lame should not Blame those of us who are fighting (like my ancestors who fought in the American Revolution and most others wars). 

      The COS group are throwing the baby out with the bathwater by proposing even more amendments for the LAWLESS Un~representatives to not follow when they don't adhere to current laws, and pushing fear porn.  Just because I'm not in agreement with what I consider a soros faction doesn't mean I'm FEARFUL.. Using fear tactics is a soros/communist etc specialty. 

      Thomas Jefferson (and James Madison reiterated his statement) said, "that “nullification…is the rightful remedy” when the federal government reaches beyond its constitutional powers".

      The following radical fellow travelers in the Con-Con movement, each of which, are registered "founding members" of the Move to Amend coalition:

      Alliance for Democracy,

      Center for Media and Democracy


      Independent Progressive Politics Network

      Progressive Democrats of America

      Sierra Club

      Vermont for Single Payer.

      • A meeting  of the states to amend the Constitution is NOT a Constitutional Convention. I If the goal of George Soros is to destroy our county all needs to do is let his Congressional Puppets continue violating the Constitution. Jefferson admonished us to alter or abolish or government when it becomes tyrannical. I don't want to abolish the government or the Constitution, I just want our elected officials to obey the Constitution.

        In a Constitutional Convention everything is on the table, while in a Convention of the States only those proposed amendments authorized by the states can be lawfully discussed.

        • To know what's on the table we will need to refer to page 25 of the Congressional Research Service Report.

          "The Congressional Research Service Report dated April 11, 2014, is HERE. The Report exposes as false the assurances that the States would be in control of a convention". 

          I do not wish to go down this slippery slope with the COS Nullification Deniers.

          Governor Greg Abbott, in my opinion according to the laws he is demanding be put front and center to pass, is not a good candidate for this daunting task.

          How can I deem him responsible for this task when he will NOT stop the robbing of innocent Texans (and tourist) all along our highways?  It is a money making deal with almost all monies STOLEN put in the pockets of the 'Protect and Serve' Pirates. The Constitution specifically speaks against this practice in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments. However, they are so busy practicing the 13th Amendment making criminals out of everyone for Corporate Gain as they are used for slave labor see below ..


          So how in the world will this bunch assure ME that i twill make amendments that will be fool proof and F O R C E the (S)elelcted to honor them?  You cannot and their record is our PROOF!

          If anyone supports the COS then they support the above list that is funded by the Evil Awful soros.

  • At the time of the American Revolution the majority of the people in the colonies did not support the revolution. They either aligned themselves with King George or they simply did not want to get involved, It was the courageous few who took up arms and risked everything to defend the principles of liberty.

    The colonists were divided into the traitors, cowards and patriots. The majority were motivated by fear of the potential negative consequence while the courageous minority were risk takers who understood that their failure to act would lead to their enslavement. I believe that those who oppose obeying the provisions of Article V have been deceived by listening to propaganda presented by the enemies of the Constitution and the people.

    I agree that a Constitutional Convention is a very bad idea, but a meeting of the states to propose amendments is not a con con. At a con con every thing is on the table, but in a Convention of the States what can and can not be addressed is controlled by the legislatures of the states.

    Holding a meeting presents very little risk, but allowing Congress to continue holding the keys to amending the Constitution is like giving a thirsty alcoholic with the keys to your liquor cabinet.

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