If you were the owner of a business and all of your employees took an oath that they would faithfully execute their job according to the conditions of employment, what would you do when they repeatedly broke the rules?
I think that any competent employer would terminate any of his employees who violated the terms of their employment. We the people are the employer and the men and women who hold public office have all taken an oath to honor the terms of their employment. The terms are spelled out in an agreement known as the Constitution for the United States.
When any employee of a corporation or a government violates the terms of their employment, they need to be terminated immediately. We seem to have forgotten that our elected officials are not the boss, they are the servants of the people.
That's why we have a federal law called Honest Services Fraud Act of 1988. It does exactly that, I'd fire them on the spot and prosecute the now fired employee's. This law is still law, and it needs RIGOROUS enforcement by the people who are the employer. The trouble with this law is that the Supreme Court has ruled that this law is too vague, I say it's too close to the truth, and they don't like that. This law was meant to be applied to the Government, and not the private sector. The Government, i.e. CONgress never foresaw that it would be used against Government Employee's, read that as them selves. Let's start with CONgress. Then the Executive Branch, and then the Judicial Branch which is run by crooked lawyers. I fully support the ORIGINAL Constitution which includes the ORIGINAL 13th Amendment. But by trickery, all done by Lawyers, who still owe loyalty to the Crown, and it's not the Crown your think it is, no siree, it's the CROWN Temple on Temple Street in London, England where the British BAR has offices. The British BAR is a global crime syndicate and it's long over due for a through cleansing. Until that day comes, it will remain the way it is...No wonder the Chinese threw the British out. I'll bet if one want's to look into the opium war, the British BAR was right there in the middle of it. If it had anything to do with money, they were definitely there in the thick of it.
Interesting comment, Eric. I was not aware of the Honest Services Fraud Act of 1988. I will have to look into that, and ask my brother (an attorney - VERY familiar with Constitutional Law) for some feedback.
Elizabeth, I'm glad you will look into the Honest Services Fraud Act, it is being misinterpreted by the Courts because if it were equally applied to all parties as it was intended to be, then CONgress passed yet another law they didn't read before they voted on it. Just like the Unaffordable Health Care Act. Now there's a fraud right there in our faces. I was under the mistaken idea that CONgress was supposed to read the laws they vote on BEFORE they vote on them, how silly of me. I need to go back to the same school that Nancy Pelosi did so I can be incompetent as she is.
Have a great day!, and do read this law before you read the decisions handed out by the Supremes. Don't do like Nancy P did, and forget about the read the bills that she didn't read prior to voting. I'll bet she even voted for this one herself! I also suggest you look into the National Liberty Alliance on Common Law Grand Juries. If common law grand juries get control over our courts then this Honest Services Fraud Act can be enforced on those whom it was intended to be used on.
When we are No longer the employers, as in being owners of a "private foreign corporation," we don't have the power to fire incompetent employees! The only ones with the "jurisdiction, power, and authority" (sound familiar?) can fire their own employees, are the heads of corporate departments. This is why "We the People," as in the "unincorporated consumer," must raise as many red flags as possible to the corporation on certain individuals, who need to be fired.
The corporation, upon seeing & hearing of the misconduct, must be encouraged to give out pink slips to those employees crossing the line, or not playing their "roles" as good corporate shills & slaves! In other words, commerce cannot function with dishonesty & fraud, and expect to survive, for it is the misconduct & poor performance of the employees that, truly, effects the corporation's commercial bottom line!
When a corporation is no longer making a profit engaging in, promoting, supporting, endorsing, or "insuring" criminal misconduct, "We The People" will have had an effect!.......But, NOT until then!!
Steve - we, as consumers and constitutional conservatives forget our own power. Remember, money talks, BS walks. When was the last time WE stood up against the LSM - and against their sponsors, by making it known we will not be watching their TV channels and buying the sponsors products? The libs have tried it - remember - Rush Limbaugh? Well, he survived quite well, but we need to let them know we have buying power too.
Let's start with firing Obama. Arresting him would be more appropriate. Obama is a usurper and a fraud. Obama has usurped the Presidency by fraud, during time of war. That makes Obama a spy. If convicted a military "firing" squad should be set up. The penalty for treason is death. 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115, Sec.2381. See: "There is NO 'President' Obama": http://www.thepostemail.com/09/17/2010/there-is-no-president-obama. Thanks, Eric for pointing out the HSFA of 1988. I was unaware of that law.
Robert, Your more then welcome! My intent was that most people have never even heard of the HSFA of 1988, and my intent was to let the people know this law exists. This law was written as far as I can tell, to address deliberate fraud, specifically and intentionally committed fraud by Government employee's by collecting benefits and and pay checks for not doing their jobs.
I can't speak for others, but I have personally seen too many Government employees literally say repeatedly no at the social security office on my disability claim and they don't even want to look at my medical records and even refuse to look at them. That is deliberate and intentional fraud right there in my face. I don't know about you, but when somebody walks into a social security office in a Halo brace bolted into their skull in 4 places from injuries that broke my neck and other extreme internal injuries that nearly killed me in a car wreck and the other driver who caused the car wreak confessed at the scene it was all her fault and was under the influence of powerful prescription drugs and the cop didn't even write her a simple traffic ticket on the spot. That's fraud right there. By the police who could have just issued a simple traffic ticket and ended their lawful obligation to do their job, and by the social security office employee's for failing to even look at my medical records and that's their deliberate fraud on myself.
The HSFA was written exactly for such circumstances. Anyone who can connect the dots like I just did, should file a complaint against the public employees asap, and file it up the chain of command and don't stop when they keep saying no!
Social Security is not an entitlement give away program, it is a contract with the Federal Government to cover such circumstances. It's like this cruel joke, you nearly die from serious life threatening injuries and you paid for this "insurance policy" because that's what social security is, and then when you file a claim on your "insurance policy" you are denied honest services repeatedly. That's called fraud, and the honest services fraud act should apply in such cases. But the SCOTUS has overturned or tried to do away with this law as being too "vague" as it would be the great equalizer between the People and their employee's.
Now for the question, would you buy an "insurance policy" knowing that when you need to file a claim on your paid for policy, you will get years of the run around while the employees of your "insurance company" collect the money that pays for their salary and benefits, and these "insurance company employee's" don't review your medical records throughly and then deny your claim on your policy that you by, law had to pay into this "insurance company" all while the employees sit on top of your claim while they collect pay checks and benefits on your tax dollars.
Does this sound like the affordable care act to you? It should, because that's what is was modeled after, Social Security. If your disabled the Government looks at you as a liability that needs to be cut off.
How's that for honest services fraud? Now you can see why I study law, I study law so I can use the law as the tool it was meant to be. By the people, for the people, and not the Government against the people.
That's why the founders did what they did in writing when they wrote the Constitution, the Constitution was to be the chains that bound down the government and it's employees to do the job we hired them to do in the first place. The honest services fraud act was designed to clean out the dead wood in Government. If it suddenly turns out that this law was cleverly crafted by CONgress to come after the dead wood in Government and stop the excesses of an out of control Government, spending money we don't have, then that is fraud, to negate the "insurance company" so it doesn't have to pay out on the rightful and lawful claims, claimed by the "insurance policy holders". Now you can begin to see what lies ahead of us with Obamacare. It should be called Obama's scared, of what he signed into law and has kept changing after he discovered the flaws in his health care plan.
I study law to act as a gate keeper, to act as a check valve to stop corruption in it's tracks where ever it can be found. And I am not a lawyer, but I have disbarred one and then sent him to jail.
Not to bad for a non lawyer I'd say.