----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Repeating History

Editor's Note - This comes to us via a reply by one of our members, Jibril Aliu. I believe we should listen to him. His is the voice of experience. He has already been there!

Unless this Bozzo Government's policies are stopped soon, this country is gonna go down Yugoslavia style. This is exactly what Yugoslavia was doing.

  • First they confiscated and outlawed the guns,
  • Then you were not allowed to criticize the government,
  • Then almost every other citizen was a government informant, especially those who were members of the communist party,
  • Government/State borrowing went through the roof,
  • Inflation skyrocketed, followed by
  • Printing of money at free will,
  • The economy basically collapsed.
  • Corruption,
  • Confiscation,
  • Favoritism,
  • Nepotism,
  • Manipulation and Bribery became rampant.
  • Example: (You could not even go to a stinking public restroom at the Belgrade train station without paying a bribe. This is NOT an exaggeration, people.)

Thereafter, they went bankrupt and President Milosevic unleashed suppression of the people with his  "Serbian Nationalism Superiority" Idea, (It really should be "Serbian National Stupidity"), and the whole country fell to chaos and hell wars, and disintegrated into 7 different countries.

So what is going on now in the USA, ie.....be it:

  • The Patriot Act,
  • Government surveillance and random recording of citizens under the NDAA,
  • IRS confiscations of citizen's properties and businesses,
  • The many bailouts of the banks,
  • Militarization of police departments,
  • This White Nationalism, Black Nationalism garbage, etc, etc. 

This is nothing more than America treading on and borrowing Yugoslavia's "Historical" pages of stupidity. These are the "black clouds on the horizon" spelling DOOM!

I'm sorry to say that my fellow Americans can't "smell the rat" of Patrick Henry. I guess its too much KFC and French Fries, (oops my bad, it's Freedom Fries!!)

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