----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Government is the Enemy of the People

Just governments are ruled by principles, not by the pleasure of men. When governments are organized by men there will always be rulers and subjects.

Those who control the political power prosper while those subject to the ruling class suffer. Anytime a society is governed some of the people will benefit at the expense of others.

The only way to have a just society is for the people to govern themselves. You can can have peace, prosperity and freedom in a society where the people are divided into classes.

Click on Frederic Bastiat 8575498688?profile=original

If the law benefits some of the people at the expense of others it becomes a tool in the hands of few that is used to exploit the many.

The Constitution for the united States was which created to a government where the government would not be able to abuse the individual rights of the people. 

The Anti-Federalists feared that if the people were not well educated and ever vigilant  powerful individuals would seize control of the government. The republic  that was created to protect the rights of the people has become a den of thieves run by Wall Street bankers, lawyers and politicians.

Click on Alexander Hamilton


The foundation of liberty is equality and without it there can be no justice. The only legitimate function of government is to protect the rights of the people, not to provide for them with goods and services paid for by other people's money.

Government by its very nature is like a malignant tumor that will ultimately destroy its host. Some governments are bad and others are worse.

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