This is an interesting development in the battle of Right V. Wrong
Check this out.
We THE People of Michigan have given notice to the Governor and Michigan Bar of the Peoples grand juries commencing investigations into the corruption and abuses of courts and public offices.
THE People established grand juries in several counties in 2011, 2012 with published notices. Grand juries are recognized in the Bill of Rights in the Seventh (7th) Amendment and by U.S. Supreme Court rulings, the most robust being U.S. v. Williams (1992). Justice Antoine Scalia, writing for the majority, said, It belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people…The 7th Amendment demands a functioning grand jury independent from the judicial branch with power to investigate criminal wrongdoing requiring no authorization from any court.
People across America are working to return justice to our out‐of‐control courts and public offices. Attorneys and Judges have worked overtime throughout the past 100 years to destroy and hide from the People lawful due process and grand juries, the very method that can return liberty to the People.
Attorneys and Judges say the Common Law has become outdated, obsolete and that the 7th Amendment Grand Jury is for the exclusive use of federal courts. Anyone with experience in the state courts will tell you that the Bill of Rights has been over-thrown by Attorneys and Judges who believe they are above the law. Only when the People become aware of this attitude and mind set of the legal industry will the People, through Grand Juries, be able to secure our unalienable Rights and Liberty. Call 1-989-450-5522; 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM Monday thru Thursday.
Johnny Angel
Grayling, Mich.
Learn more about Common Law Grand Juries at Civics Course
When we go to the NLA website, we will find that 3133 counties are constituted with Common Law Grand Juries. The next priority is to get all Americans to realize that they can use them. Litigants need to excuse themselves from the corporate administrative courts, judges, and lawyers and demand their Rights to be heard in the "lawfull " Common Law Grand Jury Court. I believe they are able to use the same county courthouse and only the procedures are different. I urge everyone to volunteer to be a juror by signing-on to their local CLGJ list as a juror.
If all or the majority of court cases go to the Common Law Grand Juries, will the corporate administrative courts go out of business for a lack of customers?
Will the judges and BAR attorneys need to apply for unemployment as they become obsolete?
Isn't it critical that each county has a sheriff that is on board with the program, or the CLGJ courts don't have any teeth to honor the court's findings? We need to elect constitutional sheriffs or it won't work. (Do a search for Sheriff Mack)
"If all or the majority of court cases go to the Common Law Grand Juries, will the corporate administrative courts go out of business for a lack of customers? The writ of Mandamus is an order to the judges to obey the law.
Will the judges and BAR attorneys need to apply for unemployment as they become obsolete?" I heard that some are seeing the light and are willing to bring real justice into their courts.
"Isn't it critical that each county has a sheriff that is on board with the program, or the CLGJ courts don't have any teeth to honor the court's findings? We need to elect constitutional sheriffs or it won't work." Yes, a sheriff has informed interviewers that he would need the backing of hundreds of thousands of his constituents.
"Litigants need to excuse themselves from the corporate administrative courts, judges, and lawyers and demand their Rights to be heard in the "lawfull " Common Law Grand Jury Court." Yes, usually by a counter-suit or counterclaim, opening up their common law court. Listen to Bill Thornton on the website or You Tube