----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • This is not only tragic...what they are doing in D.C. is trying to "re-program" us that they know what is best.  I fear for Our Country.  THERE ARE TOO FEW FIGHTING FOR US.

    • I think there are many fighting but there..  I just think there is no consolidated effort ,everyone is scattered from here to there, I fear for our Country too...

      • It all hurts....hurts on a deep soul level.

        • I know I think the good thing is that many of us out there are passing lots of information around whereever we can..And I find people are waking up whether it will be enough I don't know but it helps to feel I am doing something..I really believe the apathy is not so much as it was..

          • Thank God that the apathy is shrinking.

            Kathy, I don't know about you...I feel I MUST be on the "internet every single day"...sometimes from 2:00 pm. to 4: a.m.  We should be able to "plan a life" outside focusing on "what the hell did he do to us today!"

            • Me too between emails, Google+, and other discussion forums  I feel like a "troll" trying to pass information along..Hours and hours of this everyday. I am on somewhere. I have had friends tell me know more emails...It scare's them..LOL .Go figure..If my emails scare them image what will happen if we loose our Country do to them.

  • But!  To defend you (and me)...we are doing what we can.......Whatever we can to make sure others know.  

    I think for a long time taht we were all thinking someone(?)...a group(?) or something drastic would happen in D.C. that our "elected" leaders would bring all of this to a screeching halt.

    It hurt me deeply that there are only a few who listen to us vs. the majority that don't listen to us....we are invisible to them.

    I was soooo excited when Rand Paul gave that 13 hr Filibuster ONLY to have him turn around and go soft on the Illegals!!!

    It seems ????  It seems that Gowdy, Gohmert, now Cruz; and sometimes(?) Rand Paul stands up for us.

    • I know they disappoint me at every turn..The only one I really liked was Ron Paul he has been straight with the America people for a long time...

  • IF you want my email address...emmooninleo86@gmmail.com

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