----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Hijacking of the American Republic

8575540859?profile=originalBefore the ink on the Constitution was even dry the founders began to abuse the power that was delegated to them.

George Washington got the ball rolling when he supported the establishment of the National Bank.

John Adams turned his back on the Constitution when he promoted the Alien and Sedition Act. Thomas Jefferson also exceeded his Constitutional authority when he purchased the Louisiana Territory without Congressional Approval.

Power  corrupts and even the most honorable men are tempted to abuse the power granted to them in the Constitution. Practically every President has violated the Constitution because Congress has allowed them to do so..

Congress has failed to their job by allowing the President to violate the Constitution and we have failed to hold our Congressional Representatives accountable. If we expect our elect officials to do their job, we the people must do our job.

From the very beginning a small group of rich and powerful men sought to hijack the government and the legislative process and use it to benefit themselves. They understood that in order to control the House they would need to control the representatives. They knew that controlling a small group of representatives would be to control a large number of representatives. They knew that their individual power was reduced as the number of representatives increased.

The representatives were to be the spokesmen for the people and it was very important that the states would have adequate representation in the House. In Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 it mandated that each state would be entitled to one representative for every 30,000 in the state.

Despite this mandate the average Congressman now has dominion over an average of 700,000 people. It is impossible for one man or woman to be the spokesman for so many people. By following the original intent of the framers of the Constitution we should reduce the size of Congressional Districts and increase the representation of the people in the Congress.


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