----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Dear Charles,

I applaud your commitment to the reform of Congress and your enthusiasm for leveling the playing field between The House members and the American people, but I have been sounding the horn for many years in reference to The House. However, I do not agree with the method you suggest. Here a few reasons why;

  1. A COS at this point in time is a dangerous thing to propose due to the political climate.
  2. There are conflicting ideas about which 28th Amendment should be on the ticket. Some suggest a balanced budget Amendment would be the first priority, still others propose a strengthening of the first ten amendments should take precedent, yet others propose their own version of what a COS should look like and have proposed as many as 44 new amendments that they think need to be considered if a COS is convened.
  3. The idea that Congress should come DOWN to our level is a complete insult to the people themselves, who are currently laboring under what is clearly a host of BAD ideas that DON'T work. Social Security is a mess. People's ability to control the value of their own money is non-existent. Taxation is over the top and based on the tenets of The Communist Manifesto. Banks, compound interest, fractional banking rules and the $2.3 TRILLION mortgage industry are killing the people and making a lot of banking families grotesquely rich, while the people can't get a simple loan of actual money. Big Pharma is killing Americans. Planned Parenthood is killing Americans and was founded by a Margaret Sanger, a devout Eugenicist, who hated Negroes and whose intent it was to wipe ALL out.of them out.
  4. As I have pointed out many times, the Oligarchy we see in the House today is a direct result of our government in general ignoring the Constitution in the first place. What makes you think that they will comply with a new amendment? THEY WON"T! They don't have to; Article I, Section 5, Clause 2 - "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings" and Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 - "The Senators and Representative shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law,..". So you see all they have to do is pass a law that says they can be "Compensated" for their "Services" as they see fit. That's how they acquired the perks you speak of in your 28th Amendment. It's an Oligarchy, pure and simple, through and through, and no simple amendment or a Convention of States, will change that. The true problem is they don't follow the Constitution now, like the restriction on the number of Representatives in the House. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, clearly states that;  "The Number of Representatives shall not exceed One for every thirty Thousand,.."  And as explained in Federalist Papers #56, this Article is clearly intended to limit the size of House districts to 30,000 Constituents, PERIOD! Fixed at 435 is not "apportioned", it's fixed. That's not the intent. This restriction was meant to keep the House from becoming what you see today. An Oligarchy of tyrants.

So, suggesting that we drag our Representatives down to the bottom of the pit, is not the answer. The Bring Congress Home act is a way better pursuit. I would direct you to AmericaAgain! for more info.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but my advice is drop this 28th Amendment idea and read more of my articles in my numerous folders. You will find that there are problems which run way deeper than the slime on the top of the Swamp.

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