A Well Regulated Militia
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed!"
- 2nd Amendment, Constitution FOR The united states of America
Why is this so important and what exactly does this mean? What is the second Amendment about? If we're asking the question, it's already too late for the answer. By that, I mean that if we don't know exactly what our rights are, why we have them and how to defend them, we are "doomed for lack of knowledge".
Thus a complete paradigm shift and a lesson or two in the Constitution is in order. Instead of trying to convince people that a militia is needed and required, it's time to show people how to go about fulfilling this Constitutional "requirement". Many have already done the yeoman's work on this subject, so I'm not starting from scratch. The ideas about "How to" start a militia in your area, are already written. To that end, Here is one set of steps one could take;
How to Activate the Constitutional Militia in Your Area
Copyright © 1994 Constitution Society. May be copied with attribution for non-commercial purposes.
Once you have received and read the materials that may have accompanied this document , and have decided that the constitutional militia needs to be activated in your area, there are several things for you to do:
[] Try to find like-minded persons in your area. Ask around. Try patriotic organizations, such as the VFW and the American Legion. Sound out people at gun shows and gun stores. Ask if there is already a militia activated in your area or if anyone is considering it. Put out notices for interested persons to contact you.
[] Form a Safety Committee. Having found a few like-minded persons, meet together, share materials, and agree to issue a militia call-up.
[] Pick a suitable date, time, and place for the first muster. It should commemorate some historical event. Ideally, it should be in a highly visible location, within the municipal limits of a major community, and on public property.
[] Try to have a notable speaker or stage an event that will appeal to the media. Be creative. Although the first muster will primarily be an organizing meeting, it is also a media event and should be staged that way.
[] Publicize the muster. Post public notices in the local newspaper of record, on the courthouse public notices bulletin board, and in the newsletters of sympathetic civic groups. Mail and fax press releases to the media, especially talk radio stations. Try to get on as a guest of major talk radio programs, and call in announcements of the muster during listener call-in periods. The notices should answer the questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Send along supporting documentation.
[] Compile patriot mailing lists. Enter them into a computer database if possible, or prepare mailing label masters for producing self-adhesive mailing labels for repeated use.
[] Prepare draft by-laws, regulations, and guidelines. Adapt them to your local situation. Make enough copies for the number of persons you expect to attend, and try to get the documents out to them in advance to save time trying to read them at the first meeting.
[] Mail announcements to as many people in your area as you can. The advertisements and radio broadcasts are important, but many people will also need something in their hands that they can read that will motivate them to attend. They need to come with some common understanding of what a militia is, how it can be organized, and what it might accomplish. You might include the draft by-laws and regulations in the mailing if you can afford the postage and copying costs.
[] Invite local officials and representatives of military and law enforcement organizations to attend. Try to involve them from the outset, to reassure them and win their support.
[] Prepare documents to be handed out at the muster. They should provide information and instruction on all the points that may be of interest and concern to the attendees. Make enough copies so that everyone can get one set, and make some extras for persons who could not attend.
[] Conduct the muster. The first order of business will be an introductory speech, followed by adoption of by-laws, regulations, and guidelines, then the election of the commander and other officers.
[] Give attendees an opportunity to speak. Let them voice their experiences, their feelings, their understanding of the situation, and their hopes. Build a resolve to recruit more participants, train them, and conduct more musters.
[] Elect a Safety Committee and a Correspondence Committee. Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of participants. Pass out materials. Collect contributions toward the expenses of the muster and to pay for notices of future meetings. Agree on the date and place for the next meetings of the committees and perhaps of the next muster. Adjourn the muster.
[] Followup publicity. Issue press releases to the media. Visit reporters and explain what you are doing, providing them with literature. Get on talk radio and television.
[] Assist in activating the militia in neighboring counties. Encourage attendees from neighboring counties to go back and activate the militia in their own counties. Send organizing teams on a tour of the state and nation to find and motivate local leaders to do the same. Establish correspondence committees linking local militia units at all levels.
[] Set up regular training sessions and camps. Initially, each of these may need to serve a multi- county region. Shooting ranges, especially those that can simulate combat. Tactical military training. Police training. Emergency and medical training. Survival training. Seminars on constitutional law, on jury powers and duties, on investigation of official and corporate corruption and abuse, and on reform measures.
[] Set up an alert system. Establish and exercise a telephone tree. If feasible, set up neighborhood sirens or other sonic alert signals. Establish alternative communications networks, such as amateur radio, line-of-sight comm links, visual signals, and couriers. Establish links to the broadcast media, and contingency systems in the event that the media are shut down.
[] Either publish a newsletter or use an existing one. Sometimes several counties can combine their efforts in a regional newsletter. Maintain a steady flow of information and guidance to supporters.
[] Get on the Internet. Share information and plans with others across the country and around the world. Pass on the information to people not on the Internet through newsletters and handouts.
[] Recruit officials and civic leaders. Make sure all of them are informed of what you are trying to do, and make sure you know where each of them stands. Insist on strict construction of U.S. and State constitutions according to the original intent of the Framers, and make sure they know what that means. Line up both the high officials and rank and file of law enforcement and military organizations. Identify supportive judges and lawyers. Work to defeat opponents and replace them with supporters.
[] Set up regular booths at public events. Gun shows, fairs, conventions, political rallies.
[] Operate a speakers' bureau. Get your best speakers to speak before civic and other groups at every opportunity.
[] Do some fun things. Parties, picnics, and other events for the entire family.
[] Enforce the law. Investigate official and corporate corruption. Infiltrate corrupted agencies. Recruit whistle blowers. Protect witnesses, investigators, and their evidence. Get grand juries to bring indictments. Expose wrongdoing. Concentrate on vote fraud, corrupt judges and law enforcement officers, and other offenses that would not ordinarily receive official attention or that are being covered up.
[] Secure entire areas against attack. Make it infeasible for criminals of any kind to attack people in certain defensible areas, which can serve as safe havens for larger areas. Establish defensive perimeters around persons or organizations that might be particularly subject to attack. And establish mobility and secure communications in the event area security cannot be maintained.
[] Roll back unconstitutional legislation. Work on legislators. Pursue cases in court. Get rid of abusive officials. Go after the special interests that are the ultimate source of corruption and reduce their power.
Constitution Society, 6900 San Pedro #147-230, San Antonio, TX 78216. 210/224-2868.
The importance of the Second Amendment that people are missing is that it is about this very subject. The Militia! Not the right to own firearms.
To help us understand this, we need look no further than the first 5 words and the last 3 words of the Second Amendment. To whit;
"A well regulated militia being necessary...", IT "shall not be infringed." and neither shall the right to pick up, carry, trade, use, sell, import, make, or give away a certain kind of "arms" that could be useful in securing our natural rights.
I believe we have reached the point where this action is necessary. Hopefully this will help get you started. Good luck and don't forget to comment and give us your feedback so we can make improvements as we go forward.
All of this could be accomplished under the leadership of the local Constitutional sheriff duly elected by the people. An oversight committee of duly elected unpaid citizens should be fully trained in the methods successfully employed by Threat Management Center of Detroit. It is imperative that this effort be lawful. The sheriff is the key. Learn how to hold him and other elected officials accountable via Affidavits of Truth and their oaths of office. Know the Constitutions of your state and nation. Organize educational seminars on the Constitution with emphasis on the rule of law and jury nullification of rogue laws. Much of this needs to be done outside of the government. But the sheriff must be involved. No militia without the sheriff. My opinion.
They try to pretend that if you come to their table, your voice is heard and considered. Instead we need to "build our own table". This is the focus of my intent. It is no longer an option, or even an obligation on our part to seek solutions at THEIR table.
Affidavits are effective in any world as proof that you informed them. That should be sufficient along with a Notice of Default to press charges at OUR table, (CLGJ), backed up by OUR enforcement arm, (the militia), prosecuted and tried by a jury of their peers, in OUR courts.
The reply by Kirk Beck contains a lot of important information.
Many of us have already begun this process long ago. Of course, it is important to determine the parameters that will work best in your local area. Rural vs Suburban vs Urban is an important distinction as well as the general political tone of the area in which you live. It is very important to vet anyone thoroughly before engaging in this discussion, as "like-minded" is not necessarily "ready for action."
If you have a "constitutional" Sheriff, it is a good idea to have discussions with him, but there are legal factors that might prevent him from getting involved directly. The actions of anyone even remotely under the control of the Sheriff requires law enforcement certification (6 - 12 months of at least community college level classes with a certification exam and possible training period) for legal reasons. In a litigious society such as ours, any action taken by an individual may subject the person to legal action, civil and/or criminal. If the Sheriff can be considered in any way a "sponsor" of the militia, the county itself will be liable for damages. Keep the Sheriff in the loop, by all means, but it is unlikely he will get involved.
It also a good idea not to use the term "militia" in connection with the project. Remember that the government listens to you cellphone conversations and reads you email looking for key words - and we all know what those are. I have heard accounts from friends who were in social gatherings, cellphones present but not used, whose browsers later contained ads for items discussed in the social gathering. Using the word "militia" puts a target on your back. A group of "concerned citizens" or a "community watch group" is better wording.
One final point. Don't hang your hat on the words in the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court over the years has demonstrated that it can easily ignore the words of the Bill of Rights as it engages in the unconstitutional act of interpreting the Constitution through the political lenses of its justices.
My understanding is that legal opinion states that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms . . ." is not a dependent clause. That means that a militia is not required for the people to have the right to keep and bear arms.
However, you have to look at the various state constitutions - particularly since militias are historically state-run, not federal. Virginia's constitution, for example, has language very similar to that of the 2nd Amendment, but just sufficiently different for a militia to be required.
I know of several people who are now organizing militias in our Commonwealth, especially now that our Ultra-Progressive governor Ralph Northam, (the man who happily signed into law a bill allowing the sale of body parts from aborted fetuses), has signed several bills which violate the Federal 2nd Amendment; red flag laws, background check laws, laws making a person a criminal if he or she does not report the theft of a firearm within 24 hours, and much more.
Charles Kraut
This is a community based public safety solution. In Minneapolis, they are committed to de-funding and dismantling their police department and instead, funding a community based public safety model. Sound familiar? It should. It's called THE MILITIA!
This deal with George Floyd is a PERFECT opportunity to go about introducing these communities to begin forming this CBSC or Community Based Safety Committee. NO MORE POLICE STATE!
First, I am grateful for the work already begun by others before me. Without it I would have a serious uphill climb.
Second, You are exactly correct about not involving the Shire-Reeve. He is duty bound to a different goal. This is a job for "The People".
Third, I completely disagree with your contention that we should be clandestine in some way with our intent, by avoiding certain terms. NO! We need to inform them in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, with the EXACT words they are looking for.
Like you said, they're tracking our every move anyway. Besides that, I have already introduced myself to ALL of them. I was one of them at one time. I know most of them. Thus , I will not hide my intent any more than I will hide behind a mask and for the same reasons.
Instead, I contend that the whole reason for forming our enforcement arm is so we can succeed in changing hearts and minds and getting our enemies to become our friends instead. "In war enemies, in peace, friends."
The killing of George Floyd is "the straw that broke the camel's back" so to speak. It's time to END the "Police State".