
  • I started w/ chickens by converting our old, unused cab-over camper shell into a very compact but efficient coop. My "girls" are free-range during the day & love to be tucked in at dusk. Added 2 female goats for milk/cheese & possibly meat if necessary. "Chevon" (goat meat) is popular in S.W. Fla.  Added ducks & sunk an old, unused "plug-n-play" hot tub for them. They sleep in it & never go into the house we built, but faithful layers I use for baking.

    If beef is really your first choice, check out "Zebos" on the internet = mini cows that take up FAR less room & supplemental feed as they will eat anything (like goats) + they do NOT have to be milked every day like reg. cows.

    I chose goats for the same reason. Forget landscaping w/ beautiful plants!, but fence in your whole acreage & fence off an area around your house for berry bushes & flowers. You can plant fruit/nut trees anywhere if guarded by fencing, (weather providing).

    After viewing this, I'm gonna add a couple of pigs, though probably not free-range like all the other animals. Youtube wll teach you ANYTHING you lack !

    By careful planning of fences, you can separate large areas for rotating "pastures" while gathering "fertilizer" for your compost bin(s) from the vacant one.

    • Great advice Bonnie, Thanks.

  • OK I hope you don't mind that i'll be visiting here as I get this mess (computer) straightened up. Now most of you know of me, but little of what I do.

    Im a member of a patriot cell and have been for many years. I'm also a mining engineer living in a mine. Ive been visited a few times and luckily survived my own ineptness with the 'FEDERAL' entity.

    With that said these are my ideas in my realm. Geodesic I've been experimenting with and so as I get them unsorted, I will put them on here as Morton and Keith have now entered Pandora's box.

    We need more people attending this so i'll try to get all I can but this needs to be put into some sort of controlled display, in such a way that people can use this information, so ill leave that to them.

  • in your gardening  there is a creature which when put into the soil can even remove many toxic materials

  • Do like Quiz, Dan,

    Find a cave or old Missile silo, eh?

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