----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

How to Enslave a Nation

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When Congress borrows money they don't have,  they are making the American taxpayers co-signers on the loan. You might as well give your Congressman you credit and let him use it to buy whatever he wants.

It is a crime when someone writes a check when their are insufficient funds in their bank account. When Congress votes to raise the debt ceiling, they authorize the expenditure of money they don't have on things we don't want, don't need and can't afford. 

If you husband or wife kept writing bad checks how long would you stay married?

Since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, Congress had been spending as fast as it can be printed. To see what has happened to the value of a dollar Click Here

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  • Prices haven't gone up one bit. 60 years ago I could buy a gallon of gasoline for 20 cents. If I used the same quarter [pre-1964 90% silver] that has about $3.50 worth of silver in it, I would still get back some change for my quarter for a gallon of gas.

    The continual spending of borrowed dollars into the economy by Govco has the effect of watering down the purchasing power of our dollars. If there was a million dollars out in the economy and chickens were $1 each and you had saved $1000 you could have a chicken in the pot every night for almost 3 years.

    If Govco borrows another million from the Fed and moves that into the economy with vote getter programs what do you suppose happens to the price of chickens? All of the sudden you have twice as much cash chasing the same number of chickens so they go to $2 each and you have been taxed out of 50% of your savings through inflation--the hidden tax.

    Aside from keeping the average person humping to pay his taxes like a good slave, income taxes have a much more important role. Its other role is to pull as much excess cash out of the economy to keep the country from going into an inflationary tailspin like Zimbabwe.

    As an aside, lets say you buy a house for $100,000, live in it for 10 years and sell it for $200,000. Doesn't the IRS make the ridiculous demand that you pay taxes on the profit of $100,000? I say ridiculous because there is absolutely no profit to be taxed. If you were to turn around and buy a similar house in the same neighborhood wouldn't it cost you $200,000? So where's the profit? What Govco is doing is taxing you on the inflation that they themselves created. Are you starting to get the picture as to how badly we are being raped?

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